Supreme Court Shreds Democrat's Powerplay Attempt in Texas
On Friday the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on 3 Texas redistricting cases before it, where the State leglislature had redrawn district lines to reflect the Census-reported 4.2 million population increase during the past 10 years. This dispute came about due to a panel of three federal judges deeming themselves self-important enough to redraw the district lines that the state leglislation had drawn up, in a huge trampling of State’s rights and laws. The desion rendered a very informative lesson on the dangers of political partisan hacks being injected into the federal judicial stystem: “The failure of the state’s newly created plan does not, by itself, require a court to take up the Legislature’s task,” the high court’s opinion said. “Because it is unclear whether the District Court for the Western District of Texas followed the appropriate standards in the drawing of interims for the 2012 elections, the orders of implementing those maps are vacated, and the cases are remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.” Keep in mind that the Supreme Court has quietly pointed out that the federal judges in the District Court pointed out that a: The feds had no business redrawing the district lines in the first place, and b: The feds did not follow appropriate standards when they redrew the disctrict maps.( to favor Democrats)
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, who had asked the high court for a stay on grounds the San Antonio court overstepped its authority when it drew the maps, was pleased with Friday’s ruling. “As the justices point out, courts are ill-suited to make policy judgments and redistricting is primarily the responsibility of the state,” Abbott said in a statement. “The court made clear in a strongly worded opinion that the district court must give deference to elected leaders of this state, and it’s clear by the Supreme Court ruling that the district court abandoned these guiding principles.” (emphasis added)
Democrats have been getting away with this type of nasty chicanery in redistricting for decades now. Check out the convoluted Florida district 03 map included in this article, which has beed redrawn up to protect career Florida corrupto-crat Corrine Brown. (D-Fl) That is a perfect example of just how important State’s rights are when it comes to redrawing district lines fairly.
Texas had already pushed back their state primaries from March 06, to April 3rd to make time for this issue to be resolved. It also appears that this issue isn’t fully reolved, although the Supreme Court’s decision is very clear. Martinez Fischer, like some of his Republican colleagues in the Legislature, agreed if the San Antonio Court and another Washington court — which is also determining the constitutionality of the Texas maps — don’t come with a ruling soon or offer a revision the high court can accept, the state’s primaries will be pushed back again, perhaps as late as mid-June. The one thing that is set in stone, is the fact that the federal panel of judges that redrew the district lines to favor Democrats will not be used. add to that the fact that the Supreme Court basically stated that the feds had no business redrawing the maps in the first place, and we see just how desperate Texas Democrats are, in their blatant attempt to ignore the state leglislature and the will of the people who elected them.