
The TSA is Ten Today

Ten years ago today, President George W. Bush signed the Aviation and Transportation Security Act into law. It the ten intervening years, the TSA has managed an impressive list of accomplishments.

Thanks to the TSA, the last ten years have brought travelers long security lines, sexual harassment, public embarrassment, invasion of privacy, increased security fees, and a (published) price tag approaching $100 billion.

A recent article posted by @laborunionrpt points to the machine feeding the machine, as TSA unionization becomes a very real possibility and a boon for labor unions and their progressive voting initiatives.

Thanks, TSA, for the ten years of wonderful memories, and for managing to capture exactly ZERO terrorists! This is one party that needs to end. We are sick up picking up the tab.

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Michelle Ray (twitter: @GaltsGirl)

Michelle Ray is the host of In Deep on CDN Radio, Social Media Director for Conservative Daily News, and can be found on Twitter as @GaltsGirl

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