Obama: “I stole ‘Audacity of Hope’ from Reverend Wright”

This is never-before-seen

video obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller shows Illinois Senator Barack Obama, then campaigning for Democrats before the 2006 midterm elections, praising Reverend Jeremiah Wright and telling an audience that he “stole” the title of his book “The Audacity of Hope” from Wright’s sermon of the same name, which he “loved.” Obama also referred to Wright as “my pastor.”


It certainly brings more solid proof of how deep the relationship was (is?) between Barack Obama and Rev. Jeremiah Wright. One would have to doubt they are still that close, due to the fact that then-Presidential Candidate Obama through his ‘pastor’ under the bus, as seen in this video. However, trust seems to be no big deal at all with people these days.

To read the entire article on the first video, visit The Daily Caller.

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