Hank Williams, Jr. Apologizes For His Recent Comments
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock in recent weeks, you know that the ever-controversial country music star Hank Williams, Jr. has once again caused a commotion.
While appearing on the Fox & Friends morning show, Bocephus was bantering with the Fox & Friends hosts and made an analogy about a golf game between President Obama and other members of the Democratic Party played golf with a variety of members of the Republican Party.
If you did not watch the show, here is the actual transcript of the exchange that caused so much commotion.
HANK WILLIAMS: Remember the golf game?
HANK WILLIAMS: That was one of the biggest political mistakes ever.
HANK WILLIAMS: That turned a lot of people off. You know, watching, you know, it just didn’t go over.
GRETCHEN CARLSON: You mean when John Boehner played golf with President Obama?
HANK WILLIAMS: Oh, yeah! Yeah. And Biden and Kasich, yeah. Uh-huh.
GRETCHEN CARLSON: What did you not like about it? It seems to be a really pivotal moment for you.
HANK WILLIAMS: Come on. Come on. It would be like Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu, OK?
In response, ESPN pulled the ever-famous Monday Night Football intro sung by Hank Williams Jr., that goes a little somethin’ like this:
♫Are you ready for some footbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllll? ♫
In response, Hank Williams, Jr. wrote a song and had it recorded in a matter of days (literally, by the end of the week in which the original incident happened.) He made it a free download on his official website for the first few days, and has since made it available for purchase on iTunes.
I downloaded the song, entitled, “Keep The Change”, the first day it was available! I am an avid Bocephus fan, and was very proud to download the song of proud defiance.
You can imagine my shock and disappointment when I heard that Hank had issued anapology for his remarks. It was a metaphor, for goodness sake, he DID NOT call Obama Hitler!
But the good thing is, the surviving members of Hitler’s family accepted his apology for comparing Adolf to President Obama!
I cannot claim credit for the punchline, but thought it was too good not to share!
To the liberals who might read this and take offense- buck up! We, on the right side of the political aisle, endured ENDLESS jokes about President George W. Bush. This is a joke, and should be taken as such!
Hank Williams Jr. Official Website