
Blast Off

Prepare for blast off. We’re about to depart upon a sojourn through today’s galactic adventures. As our journey takes us through portions of an ever evolving political galaxy, please focus your attention on the multiple phenomenon passing the passenger’s window.

To the right, observe the suddenly dazzling display of the newer establishment Governor star Christie entering into tight orbital proximity with the older establishment former Governor star Romney. Notice how the combined brightness from their now closely intertwined orbits obscures the suddenly paler glimmer from the rising solo southern businessman star Cain and the falling southern Governer star Perry.

To the left, notice how the falling Attorney General star Holder quickly managed to slow it’s increasingly rapid descent into a supermassive federal penitentiary black hole by suddenly changing it’s weapons scandal trajectory through ignition of an Iranian terror plot super nova. It will be interesting to witness whether the force of this new super nova will be able to save this falling star from the tremendously powerful death grip of the supermassive black hole.

On the far left, observe the sporadic changes in orbit by out of control Occupy Wall Street asteroids from collision courses with large investment bank planets to smaller investment bank executive planets. Due to the incalcuable unpredictability of numerous asteroids traveling mutually deadly collision courses, we’ll need to steer clear of this extremely dangerous, out of control asteroid field.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this short trip with us through a small portion of the every changing political galaxy. It’s been our pleasure to bring you this glimpse of the fascinating and constantly evolving view. Be sure to check for seat availability on future flights.


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