Democrats Vacation at Tax Payers Expense!
Despite the fragile state of our economy and in the world at large, it truly infuriating to hear Democratic members of Congress are in Hawaii at the tax payers expense! The reason for them to be there is irrelevant, but they are in Maui staying that Maui Beach Hotel. The entire press staff for the Senate Indian Affairs Committee is there for a field meeting that is scheduled for August 17, 2011, they arrived on Thursday. The entire trip will be paid for by you, the taxpayers of this country.
Meanwhile, members of the Democratic party are at the GOP Iowa Straw Poll trying to sell Mr. Obama and his policies to the people of Iowa. Mr. Obama will be on his bus tour in Iowa on Monday. Democrats there are spreading the usual rhetoric, suggesting the tea party and the republicans alone are responsible for the weak economy and the S & P downgrade. Did someone forget to tell them GOP Straw Poll?