August 18th 7p Pacific/10p Eastern – Mitchell & Ray: Misery Tour, Closet Conservatism, and More
Show Time: Thursday August 18th, 7pm pacific, 8pm Mountain, 9pm Central, 10pm Eastern
Tune In: CDNews Radio: Mitchell & Ray
Call in: Be part of the program – call in to the show: (424) 220-1807
Guests: Nicole Pearce from Truth About Bills and Kira Davis, host of the upcoming CDNews Radio show: The Dark Side
Show Topics: Join in the discussion on Obama’s Magical Misery Bus Tour, closet Conservatism, Kira’s upcoming radio show, Obama’s jobs record, Restoring Courage U.S. and more.
Show Archive:
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Links from the Show:
Obama Stealing from Taxpayers While Economy Worsens
Hear recordings of past shows: CDN On-Air Archives
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