A Treatise: The REAL Legacy of Racism in America
Over at Townhall.com editor
Erika Johnsen asks this question:
What possible motivations could liberals have for subverting this into a racial issue?
My initial reaction to that question was an emotional….ARE YOU KIDDIN’?, so I allowed my systolic to abate some and continue here. Judging from the picture of Ms. Johnsen I saw on the source page for this video located here… https://townhall.com/tipsheet/erikajohnsen/2011/08/13/pelosi_on_par_with_sheila_jackson_lee_why_this_president
…I’d have to observe that she is a by-product of the progressive education that started in the post war 5os and successfully progressed in the civil rights 60s to become the then democratic agenda.
I always refer to it as
a quite intentional spoof on the alleged Great Society of “Grandpa Lyndon” Baines Johnson, known as simply LBJ. Johnson was a bigtime and well-experienced Texas congressional power-broker who was thrust into the presidency by circumstance. The circumstance of the assassination of JFK. He was to make a very intentional and calculated decision along with his congressional cohorts back then to do something unique to sustain his future power ambitions. Oh! To be sure it had no formal name or program description attached to it, but the pattern I will lay out for you is proof of such as a clandestine agenda.
The democrats* made the term “target group” a new phrase in the political lexicon. Never before in America had a political party actually set out upon an unstated and unpublicized course to whore for the vote of an entire race of people by so defining them. It was so successful that they used it to accomplish the same ends with Latinos later on and still continuing to today. It was then that, for that simple gateway to continuing power…THE VOTE, those democrats morphed into demonRATs , selling their collective souls to the political Devil in them. Their methodology was simple. Go forth and select black leaders among the people whom they would tempt to the appeal of future power to help spread among their own people the subliminal suggestion that “whitey” OWED THEM. That’s right! For the younger generation that was exactly how it started. At the same time liberal whites started chortling about how blacks had been dehumanized and taken advantage of for toooo looonnng and that now was the time to right that horrible wrong and “power to the people” was born. They, back then, sowed the seeds of what was called “white guilt” among not just liberals, but by extension among the entire white population. Was there a modicum of truth to their story. You betcha! Racism against blacks did indeed existed in the South openly and in the North in the shadows, but it DID exist. However, in demonRATrick politics unlike in real life the sins of the fathers ARE borne by the sons (…and daughters too).
Having acknowledged that, back then people should have asked themselves what can we reasonably and correctly do to right that wrong. They did, but only briefly so, and from that genuine concern arose Dr. Martin Luther King and a very select few who legitimately sought to change things in America. LBJ and his race-mongering allies depended upon this and became their best friends USING THEM AND THAT AGENDA with a pervasive evil heretofore not known in politics became federal government policy. King and his original dedicated group, all religious leaders, never sought “affirmative action” or “repatriations” for past abuses heaped upon blacks. They ONLY sought a brotherhood with whites and the Guarantee of Equal Opportunity. SOME…who walked arm-in-arm with him back then were politicians of color and they reacted differently and started aligning with the LBJs of that time, the white power-brokers, seeing great personal aggandisement for themselves in the future of black racist politics. Can you spell B-L-A-C-K C-O-N-G-R-E-S-S-I-O-N-A-L C-A-U-C-U-S ? Sadly they were to be drawn into the fold by younger political activists seeking not justice, but revenge. One Stokely Carmichael headed the Student Non-violent Co-ordinating Committee, known by the shorter acronym of SNCC, but that was destined to morph into the much more aggressive outlets of the H. Rap Browns and Eldridge Cleavers and Muhammad Xs and “Limbo Louie” Farrakhans and that ilk of the times to spread the message of “Get whitey’ to the young. That was key.
I’m from New York and it was a hotbed of black radical action with the more violent fringe groups represented by the Five Percenters and the Simbas, groups unknown to the white mainstream in suburbia, but very defining for young, black, ghettoized youths confined to those inner-city, liberal financed and built, urban ghettos. The message of energy to kinetic political action had to be transmitted by violent emotionalism to the black young to become an effective recruitment tool for the white democratic racist politicians and by extension their naive “sheeple” the white liberal, general population who saw only a “do-good” agenda building up a head of steam. They became the “useful fools” for a completely Machevellian protocol that continues today. An unrelenting corruption of the black soul that has, as sure as a cancerous malignancy, infected blacks with a GENERATIONAL parasitic dependency upon the government for everything from cradle to grave. For those few like myself who speak this truth openly we are branded by THEM as “racists” and “bigots”, but we wear those vilifications as badges of honor for advocating for THE TRUTH. It’s a civic responsibility to DO NO LESS.
If one is black and poor today he/she needs to ask themself some questions.
Am I better off today by being an urban black, ghettoized to the same federal housing project slums as 50 years ago?
Why is it that when I look about me I see a sub-culture that thrives on black on black demonization and crime?
Why is it that black gangs have emerged for the young that wreak territorial violence upon other blacks?
Why when I look around me do I see drug addled black youth all about me?
Why does my entertainment, music and culture revile my very being?
Why do my black brothers walk about glorying in the appearance of slovenly bums?
Why are bastard children now more prevalent than ever among blacks?
Have I improved my lot by being a poor black in suburbia now?
I’ll close my making a very serious rhetorical observation.
Why is it that I, an older, white American, is the one asking these questions that ALL blacks should be asking themselves? Especially now, more than ever, when that same black racism is being used by a half- black president, the first one in the history of these United States.
What a sorry commentary upon how uncrupulous white liberal politicians were to use RACE to strip away any hint of a positive self-image from generations of black Americans and the transition is now SO COMPLETE THAT THEY DON’T EVEN REALIZE WHAT HAPPENED!
* Indicates my lowercase descriptive of the former “loyal opposition” Democrats, who by this very agenda became permanent lowercase characters on the American political machine. Ultimately they finally swung far-left morphing into the current-day decriptive I coined for them of demonRATs. I strongly suggest you adopt that to describe them as it is so very accurate.
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