Celebrating a Political Anniversary
It was back 8 years ago, although it seems like an eternity now, that I…for the first and last time ever pissed my pants laughing. I was reading an article about two hours ago and it mentioned the name of a female congressperson from Texas. That was all I needed for some raucous instant-recall. Return with me now to July of 2003 as I reprise the occasion of a member of the demonRATic attack machine in action.
Not content with the more mundane complaints she is known for, the demonRATic representative from the Grand and Glorious Empire of Texas, one Sheila Jackson-Lee, has gnarled her way back to the media podium yet again to lecture us all.
Can you guess what about?
(CAUTION: If you have a problem controlling your bladder or bowels when laughing DO NOT PROCEED ANY FURTHER)
Ms. Sheila Jackson-Lee (whom I sincerely wish would decide if she’s a “Jackson” or a “Lee” rather than a conflicted feminist) demanded to know why all hurricanes were chrisened with only Caucasian-sounding names. “All racial groups should be represented.”(1) she said, At the same time she lashed out at the National Weather Service she also opined that…in the future lists of names “would try to be inclusive of African American names”(1) as well as Caucasoid (Caucasion).
I found no concern by her regarding the third race of man, the Mongoloid folks of the world. Apparently an oversight for one functioning with a critically diminished intellectual capacity.
At the time, after having regained my compusure, I briefly wondered why her constituency (possibly shocked and embarassed by such a performance) hadn’t started a “recall petition” for the aforementioned. I recovered shortly upon realizing that they had voted her in and done so repeatedly, so obviously knew what they had and approved. They must have. She is still their representative!
I wondered if with the passing of time the names of hurricanes for 2011 might have been adjusted to accomodate this ridiculous ‘racist’ demand. After all it was a very serious matter, because in 2005 a Cobb County, GA worker was summarily fired for passing about the humorous email forward detailing this incident. That was followed in Texas by a Mayor asking for the resignation of a councilperson for doing the same thing. Gee thought I…Didn’t anybody happen to notice the abrogation of the right to freedom of speech here?
I digress though. Let’s look at the 2011 list of hurricane names:
2011 Hurricane Names (2)
Oh sh*t! This doesn’t look so good. As I peruse the monnickers assigned I fail to see anything even vaguely representing a M’ry-ah or a Jamal or a Chamiqua or a Leroi or even an Amos or Andy or Calhoun or something closely akin to such. WASSUP WID DAT? We may-bees in big trouble wid da NAACP and da BLackest Congresshionals Caucasoidal.
O woe is we be! Trubles be on da ho-risen fo’ shure!
(1) https://www.snopes.com/racial/language/hurricane.asp
(2) https://geography.about.com/od/lists/a/2011hurricane.htm