
Touchdown and Homerun!

I would like to start off by stating that I am not a very big sports fan unless it deals with burning rubber and raw exhaust, or preying on delicious animals. I do occasionally take in a ball game, be it baseball, football or even soccer. Yes I do enjoy sitting in my recliner watching TV, so don’t try to yank my man card just yet.

I recently read an article on David Tyree, receiver for the New York Giants, on his stand on gay marriage.

“Nothing means more to me than that my God would be honored. Being the fact that I firmly believe that God created and ordained marriage between a man and a woman, I believe that that’s something that should be fought for at all costs.” – David Tyree

It was very refreshing to see a famous sports figure stand up against the liberals that seem to dominate the sports teams and media. Tyree does not stand alone in the sports arena when it comes to standing for what I also believe is created and ordained by God for a man and a woman. John Smoltz who played baseball for several different teams, and Todd Jones, pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds also stand proud in their beliefs and have not bowed to the political correctness that many stars seem to feel they must submit to. These players have taken a stand while at the same time their teammates are speaking out against them and their views. David Tyree stood proud even when teammate Michael Strahan and Giants co-owner Steve Tisch spoke out in favor of gay marriage.

I would like to applaud Tyree and the other players that have stood up for what is right. We need more role models in sports like David Tyree, John Smoltz and Todd Jones. It is men like these three that are to be admired. As parents, we do not have to worry about what liberal band wagon they may jump on and pass on to our children.


For those of you that own firearms, train hard and well and teach those that do not know how.
Be good stewards of the right to bear arms, for we are the last line of defense against tyranny.

-Benjamin Wallace



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