‘Dream Act’ again – A bill that Encourages Illegals to come to the US
Senator Harry Reid is helping to reintroduce the DREAM Act – again. This bill would provide conditional permanent residency to certain illegal and deportable alien students who graduate from U.S. high schools, who are of good moral character, arrived in the U.S. legally or illegally as minors, and have been in the country continuously for at least five years prior to the bill’s enactment. If they were to complete two years in the military or two years at a four year institution of higher learning, the students would obtain temporary residency for a six year period.
Within the six year period, a qualified student must have “acquired a degree from an institution of higher education in the United States or have completed at least 2 years, in good standing, in a program for a bachelor’s degree or higher degree in the United States,” or have “served in the armed services for at least 2 years and, if discharged, and have an honorable discharge.” Military enlistment contracts require an eight year commitment, with active duty commitments typically between four and six years, but as low as two years. “Any alien whose permanent resident status is terminated – according to the terms of the Act – shall return to the immigration status the alien had immediately prior to receiving conditional permanent resident status under this Act.”
Why are some in America encouraging illegal aliens to come to the U.S.? That is what this bill does, doesn’t it? The problem we have in the United States with illegals is that we encourage them to come to America, we will give you everything you need to survive without chance of being deported. Illegal is illegal no matter how you look at it. We have laws that pertain to ALL people in the United States. When laws are broken then punishment must be administered so it won’t happen again – or at least it should not happen again.
The ‘Dream Act’ contradicts itself in its own requirements. One of the requirements in order to qualify for the ‘Dream Act’ if it were in use is, “any illegals who are of good moral character.” Good moral character, what’s that?
It is a defined legal concept in United States law that details requirements for consideration for certain benefits or positions. The term is chiefly used by the federal government in immigration law, but it can also be a requirement for a particular position of employment or licensure in a particular occupation or profession, such as admission to practice law. In order to gain U.S. citizenship through naturalization, a person must be considered of “good moral character”. While not necessarily a set of character qualities, the term describes behaviors in which the applicants could not have been involved.
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services describes “good moral character” as an absence of involvement in the following activities: Conviction of Federal crimes including
- Murder, rape, or sexual abuse of a minor
- Illicit trafficking in controlled substances
- Firearms, destructive devices, and explosive materials offenses
- Money laundering
- Crimes of violence for which the term of imprisonment is at least one year
- Theft and burglary offenses for which the term of imprisonment is at least one year
- Crimes involving the demand for or receipt of ransom
- Crimes involving child pornography
- Crimes involving a violation of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO)
- A second or subsequent gambling offense for which a one-year or greater term of imprisonment may be imposed
- Prostitution “managing” and transporting offenses
- Crimes against the government
- Offenses that jeopardize national security
- Offenses that involve fraud or deceit in which the victims’ aggregate losses exceed $10,000
- Tax evasion involving a government loss in excess of $10,000
- Alien smuggling, except for first offenses involving attempts to enable entry by a relative of the accused
- Certain offenses committed by aliens who were previously deported for having committed a crime
- Passport fraud offenses with a term of imprisonment of one year or greater, except for first offenses involving attempts to enable entry by a relative of the accused
- Failure to appear to serve a sentence for which the underlying offense is punishable by imprisonment for five or more years
- Offenses involving commercial bribery, counterfeiting, forgery, or trafficking in vehicles with altered identification numbers with a term of imprisonment of at least one year
- Offenses involving obstruction of justice, perjury, subornation of perjury, and witness tampering with a term of imprisonment of at least one year
- Failure to appear in court pursuant to court order to answer to a felony charge for which a sentence of two or more years’ imprisonment may be imposed
- Committing or being convicted of one or more crimes involving “moral turpitude”
- Committing and being convicted of two or more offenses with a total sentence of five or more years
- Being confined to a penal institution during the statutory period (either the preceding three or five years, depending on the circumstances, or one year for Armed Forces expedited cases) for an aggregate of 180 days or more
- Committing and being convicted of two or more gambling offenses
- Earning your principal income from gambling.
- Being involved in prostitution or commercialized vice
- Being involved in smuggling illegal aliens into the United States
- Being a habitual drunkard
- Practicing polygamy
- Willfully failing or refusing to support dependents
- Giving false testimony under oath in order to receive benefits under the Immigration and Nationality Act
Crossing the border into the United States without first applying for a visa or green card is a federal crime. So how is any illegal alien qualified under the ‘Dream Acts’ own eligibility term – good moral character?
The “Dream Act’ is not needed if the United States would enforce our immigration laws. Giving amnesty to criminals is not the answer.
The question I have for the Senate Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is. Why are you wasting senates time and our money on an already failed ‘Dream Act’? Why don’t you spend your time and our money by putting out a BUDGET?
Good moral character
Federal crime in the United States
Senate’s DREAM Act is win-win for immigrants and the US – Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.)