Governor Scott Vetoes $615 Million in Earmarks- Directs it Back into Education
Signs $69.1 Billion Budget; Calls on Legislature to Put Children First; Redirect Earmarks to K-12 Education
The Villages, Fla. – In keeping his campaign promise to make the tough choices needed to turn Florida’s economy around and get Floridians back to work, Governor Rick Scott today vetoed $615 million in special-interest earmarks and signed the 2011-12 state budget. Governor Scott called on House and Senate leaders to redirect the vetoed special-interest dollars into K-12 classrooms and schools so that state spending can remain at last year’s levels.
After vetoes, the $69.1-billion budget meets government’s three fundamental obligations of protecting public health and safety, creating a business friendly environment and preparing Florida ’s students to compete in the 21st century global economy.
“I commend the Legislature for sending me a budget that reduces the size and cost of government and provides tax relief to individuals and business,” said Governor Scott. “Special interests probably aren’t happy with the tough choices I made, but I am confident everyone can agree that funding for our children and students is more important than pleasing Tallahassee ’s special interests.”