Syllabus To Be A Parent
So what does it take to be a Foster Parent, you ask? This is just the basic information of the courses you have to take and be “certified in” to become a Foster Parent. I will refer back to this document from time to time during my ongoing series on the Broken System of Foster Care.
In addition To the course list below, you are required to have:
- Home Health Inspection
- Home Fire Inspection
- Tuberculosis (TB) Test
- FBI Background/Fingerprint Check
- Medical Checkup
Is there anything on the above list of requirements that seems to be missing to you? I find it odd that Foster Parents are NOT required to take a drug test! To date I know of only one local private Foster Care agency that requires their Foster Parents to take a drug test. Considering the fact that drugs are a major contributing factor in the lives of children in Foster Care, I would assume this would be a requirement.
A Tuberculosis test is required, but an HIV test is not required. There are no other medical test/drug tests that are required.
Basic Medication Information
Five Rights
Infection Control
Classification of Medications
Side Effects vs. Adverse Reactions
When To Call The Doctor
What Medications Can Be Cut
When Medication Should Be Given
Who Can I Contact With Questions?
Where Do I Store Medication?
Look At Medications With A Child’s Eye
IV. PREP COURSE 1 (Parenting Resourced and Education for Permanency Training for Foster/Adoptive Parents) ALL DAY COURSE
Lunch Break, with 1 small bathroom break in the morning, 1 small bathroom break in the afternoon
Increase knowledge of children in foster care
Increase parenting skills to nurture and protect children
Develop Abilities as part of a professional team; support permanency for children
Help you decide on commitment to be a foster or adoptive parent
History of Foster Care In The U.S.
AFCARS Report- Statistics- Adoption & Foster Care Analysis & reporting System (as of September 2005)
AFCARS Report- Statistics
Agency Expectations
Child Abuse & Neglect
Child Abuse & Neglect Statistics
Reporting Child Abuse
How The Brain Develops- Neurobiology
Attachment Theory
Child Development Theories
Effects of Maltreatment on Brain Development
Hierarchy of Human Needs
Stages of Grief
Discipline vs. Punishment
Role of Families
End of Prep 1
V. PREP COURSE 2 (Parenting Resourced and Education for Permanency Training for Foster/Adoptive Parents) ALL DAY COURSE
1 Morning Break, Lunch Break, 1 Afternoon Break
Sexual Abuse
Types of Sexual Abuse
Effects of Sexual Abuse
Sexual Abuse Outcry Procedure
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Cycle
Effects of Domestic Violence
Drugs and Alcohol
Effects of Parental Use of Alcohol & Drugs on Children
Parental Incarceration
Effects of Parental Incarceration
Parenting Traumatized Children
Six Core Strengths
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Reducing SIDS Risk
Cultural Diversity
Adoption and Safe Families Act
Additional Information to Foster/Adopt
New Perspective on Anger
Anger/Stress Management
TEAMWORK Foster/Adopt Parents & Children
PREP Completed
VI.SAMA (SATORI Alternatives To Managing Aggression)
VII. SAMA COURSE 2 (SATORI Alternatives To Managing Aggression)
The Purpose Of This Series: Who Hears The Voice Of The Children?