On-the-Air 9pm Central- 5-12-11 : The Anti-Candidates
Tonight, May 12th: Rich and Co-Host Michelle Ray discuss:
– Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, and Donald Trump – arguably the most visible GOP candidates for president. We’ll be talking about what they have stood for and why their prominence shouldn’t last.
Guest: Amelia Hamilton will talk about her work with Guardian Angel For Soldier’s Pets
The show will start at 7pm Pacific, 8pm Mountain, 9pm Central, 10pm Eastern and you can listen live here: Live Radio – The Plain, Hard Truth with Rich Mitchell
If you’d like to call in and talk to the hosts or guests, dial: (424) 220-1807
Help The WAR KITTENS!! (9 months old)
On the show, Amelia told us about two military kittens that need a home you can contact her about the kittens at:
@gadsdenista on twitter
Miss the Show? Here’s the recording: