Union’s Top Buffoon, Communist Fox Piven, and SEIU to Hold Teach-In
I literally fell out of my chair when I first heard of this supposed teach-in, to be held on April 6th, 2011. While the title, “teach-in”, implies that attendees will acquire some amount of knowledge, the key question about this one is just what kind of knowledge will be given, and more importantly, how credible are the “teachers” that will be attending.
Pictured at left is the Socio-Communist manual that will surely be snatched up at this teach-in, as this whole group uses the radical society-destroying lessons taught in it. The pride and joy of the radical rabble rousing Anti-American leftists , one Frances Fox Piven will be deemed the Queen of Socialist education and indoctrination for the day. If you are unfamiliar with the unapologetic anti-American Francis Fox-Piven, Ruth’s Report sums her up nicely there.
Pictured here is the pride and joy of the left today. Preaching Communism and anti-American hatred for decades sure appears to have taken a toll on this parasite. The left tries to pass this sick-minded individual off as a Political Science and Sociology professor. That alone says a hell of a lot about the state of our educational system today, and how Socialist propagandists have infiltrated what were once proud institutions of learning in America. Here is the all-telling list of who are being “thanked” for their participation. Please take note of every single group here, this is the face of the current Anti-American destruction machine infiltrating America today:
AFL-CIO, American Rights at Work, Center for Community Change, CUNY, Demos,Judson Memorial Church, Justice for Janitors, Professional Staff Congress, SLAP, SEIU,
United for Peace & Justice, USAS, USSA, We Are One…
Every teach-in must have a Union buffoon, and AFL-CIO President Mr. Trumka, pictured at left, will be a featured speaker. When de-facto Communists want to impose their will onto the people of an unwilling public, they must be taught the blackmail, government inflitration, and thug-tactics that Trumka specializes in today. Americans have gotten informed about Unions buying politicians through get out the vote campaigns, and they are soon to be a thing of the past in State Governments across the land. This bully is going to get a real public beat-down real soon, and I can’t wait to see him relegated to being know as nothing more than a big-mouth has-been. The public have had all they are going to take from Mr. Trumka, his days of bullying people are numbered. As long as he is the head of the AFL-CIO, they will continue to bleed members as we continue to kick them the hell out of our government once and for all.
Here is the complete list of Anti-American groups involved here from their own site:
Key National Groups fighting Austerity, Debt, Banks & Corporate Greed
Farm Labor Organizing Committee https://supportfloc.org/default.aspx
Home Defenders League https://www.homedefendersleague.org/
Jobs with Justice https://www.jwj.org/
National Education Association https://www.nea.org/
National People Action https://www.npa-us.org/
National Pico Network https://www.piconetwork.org/
Project on Student Debt https://projectonstudentdebt.org/
Public Citizen https://www.citizen.org/Page.aspx?pid=183
Rainforest Action Network https://ran.org
Right to the City Coalition https://www.righttothecity.org/
Service Employee International Union https://www.seiu.org/
Student Labor Action Project https://www.jwj.org/projects/slap.html
United Auto Workers https://www.uaw.org/
United Students Against Sweatshops https://usas.org/
US Uncut https://www.usuncut.org/
This is the enemy of American exceptionalism and true American Values. They are nothing more common thieves, disguised as champions of the poor. Communists who changed their name to Socialists, then to Liberals, and now call themselves Progressives. Identify them, and spread the word every chance you get. America’ future is at stake here, and these anti-Americans need to be exposed daily!