Liberal Personal Attack On A Special Needs Child Backfires!
It took a lot of prayer for me to write an email to a fellow journalist yesterday. I had read a post by Jack Stuef at the liberal site unabashedly attack little Trig Palin. I refuse to post anything that was said on the site, but I can assure you it was beyond hateful.
Tonight, on our radio show The Plain Hard Truth , we discussed this issue and how it has backfired! At the time of the writing of this article, there have now been 11 sponsors to pull their ads from the liberal website. Hats off to each of these sponsors!
When I read this attack on Trig Palin, I could not believe that this was supposed to be a news website. What I read was not news. It was not an opinion. It was a disgrace!
I finished the email, prayed before I sent it, hoping that I had remained professional and to the point. I tried to stay as detached as possible, but that was impossible! I am a Mama before I am a journalist! The Mama Grizzly came out in me, and it took everything within me to keep my claws in my paws!
This is the email I sent to Jack Stuef:
It was my intention to give Jack Stuef exactly 24 hours to respond. I had serious doubt that I would get any response from him at all, but I wanted to give him the opportunity to ….. try to explain himself. I could not imagine how any explanation would make the situation better, but I believe in offering the opportunity.
It did not take 24 hours, and it was not a personal response, but this afternoon I read that the article had been removed. Tonight, on The Plain Hard Truth , Rich Mitchell said that originally there was an “apology” that came up instead of the article, stating that the attempt at “satire” was in poor taste. Ya think?!
Tonight, the attempt at an apology that sounds like it came across as an excuse or justification for what was said, has been removed, and this is all that comes up (Notice the address bar):
Tonight, we discussed on our radio show that many of the sponsors have pulled their ads thanks to a twitter campaign with the hashtag #trigscrew. Hats off to ANY AND ALL who participated in the tireless Twitter campaign! This is a victory!
I hope that ALL CONSERVATIVES will patronize the businesses that pulled their ads from this website in protest to this heartless attack on an innocent child. Papa Johns Pizza is one of those sponsors that pulled their ad! How does a Papa John’s pizza sound for Friday night or Saturday? Be sure to let them know you are specifically ordering to support them in pulling their ad from!
And a hearty hats off to all the sponsors who have pulled their ads from!
If you are reading this article, I encourage you to visit the sites of these businesses who pulled their ads from . Buy their products, send them emails thanking them for standing up to this heartless attack on an innocent child, and let all of your friends know to do the same!