
The Compulsive Republican

I am a Republican with very distinctive political goals. First, is to make my own future and take care of my own family and to be allowed to do so. I do believe in charity and lending a helping hand. I believe in economic independence, the choice to help out my neighbors and my family. I also believe in rules and laws.  I enjoy going to the poles, all dressed up for an important event, with my shoes and handbag to match.

With this being said, I am extremely compulsive. I do not research all the issues on the ballet.   This is not generally a Republican characteristic.  I walk into the booth and am usually surprised at something on the ballet. Having no opinion whatsoever about this issue and feeling the need, the duty, the responsibility to vote. I compulsively pick the side of the issue, right there in the booth and I hold it in my mind for a long second and pick the best answer? Wait I mean the best choice for me.   Which is somewhat the same strategy I use when shopping for shoes.  I usually don’t have an exact style in mind until I get to the store and have all the choices before me.  Although I do tend to vote on Republican side, but not because of knowledge, it’s my father’s voice in my head.

As a responsible voter, a good citizen, I should be completely informed of all issues.  I usually know beforehand, my vote for a particular person in major elections and not a whole lot on the “little stuff”.  As I have grown, I have come to realize that the “little stuff” becomes huge stuff when not enough thought goes into the vote. I’ve never voted in a primary, I will in 2012. In 2012, I will make it a priority to go to the poles with knowledge and a good pair of shoes and not be surprised or uniformed by one thing on the ballet.

The vote is our voice, our only voice – this time, I want to think before I speak.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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