Freedom Works Helps out in Ohio, Now They Need You

Governor John Kasich, the latest recipient of the FreedomWorks “Legislative Entrepreneur Award”, has been a vocal advocate for taxpayers as he works to rein in runaway spending and a bloated state budget. Gov. Kasich views SB 5, which restricts collective bargaining for public employees, as a crucial bill: “We don’t have a choice but to lower our cost, become competitive, and be in a position where instead of people flying over Ohio, they stop and say, ‘I’d like to create a job there.'” Send Your Support>>For months, FreedomWorks has been engaged in a local grassroots campaign for SB 5, directing calls and sending letters to urge our target list of state Senators to support the measure. We are pleased to report that wh en the Ohio state Senate voted on March 1, one of our targets, Tim Schaffer, was the decided YES necessary to pass the legislation by a razor-thin 17-16 vote margin. Send Your Support>>

Now the bill moves to the state House of Representatives, where FreedomWorks and local groups will be actively soliciting support for SB 5 from state Representatives. Given how close the vote was in the state Senate, we MUST support Gov. Kasich to make sure this bill becomes law.
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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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