
Gov. Christie Being Attacked by Transit and Justice Departments

Obama administration goes after Chris Christie

The Obama administration seems to be upset with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.  The Department of Justice is now saying that the Governor stayed at posh hotels while he was a U.S. Attorney.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has elevated his national political profile as a conservative cost-cutter since taking the state’s highest office, used taxpayer money to stay at luxury hotels while serving as a federal prosecutor, according to a new Justice Department report

The timing of the allegations is more-suspect than the actual report.  The audit is a normal function of the branch, but, as politico reported, this subject was broached during the Gubernatorial elections.

Christie’s expenditures came up during last fall’s gubernatorial campaign. At the time, Christie defended his actions, saying he had no other option.

As a coincidence a separate federal agency came after the governor just one day earlier.  On November 8th, the Federal Transit Authority requested that New Jersey return $271 Million that the feds had given to the state for the Hudson River Tunnel project recently cancelled by the Governor.

The Obama administration has made public its annoyance at Gov. Christie’s cancellation of the Hudson River Tunnel.  The tunnel represents the kind of public works projects thought by progressives to put the economy back on track.  Governor Christie shut down the project after it was obvious that the project would soon experience multi-billion dollar overruns and New Jersey tax payers would be on the hook for the costs.

Progressives are watching the extreme-left agenda be rejected, repudiated and “refudiated” at every turn.  Perhaps the Obama administration is looking to stem the tide as a whole new flock of fiscally Conservative Republican Governors head to their new offices in coming months.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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