The Bob Ethridge North Carolinians Know Now
One of CDN’s readers turned me on to this site that finally shows Bob Ethridge the way the rest of us in North Carolina have come to know him – D.C. Bob. He is the establishment and could care less about us hard-working, middle-class Americans.
From: The Real Bob Ethridge
NC Bob, the Bob Etheridge you see when he is campaigning back home in North Carolina Congressional District 2, is not the same as DC Bob, the politician who votes in Washington. NC Bob’s rhetoric rarely matches DC Bob’s voting record. Be sure you know both Bobs before you vote in November.
The site is well put together and is home to a wealth of verifiable information on D.C. Bob. The top ten list from the site says it all:
Top Ten Reasons to Vote for the Real Bob Etheridge
10. Want to basically elect Nancy Pelosi without having to move all the way to San Francisco.
9. You have too much money and wish the government would take more.
8. Constitutional rights are scary and you want someone to defend you from them.
7. The government is just too darn small.
6. You want to leave lots of debt for our grandchildren to remember us by.
5. You love his environmental plan to raise prices on fuel and reduce everyone’s carbon footprint by making sure people don’t have jobs to drive to.
4. It’s time for a harsh crackdown on people who dare ask their Representative a question.
3. You really want to wastefully spend your money, but don’t have the time and need someone else to do it for you.
2. You’re a little suspicious of your doctor and would rather lawyers in D.C. make your medical decisions.
1. You fully support the Obama agenda.
The site is invaluable if you are trying to understand who Bob Ethridge really is or if you need help to inform family members and friends as to what a vote for D.C. Bob means. Please visit for yourself to see his record on taxes, healthcare, spending, and Jobs – he’s basically Nancy Pelosi’s yes man.