NRCC Deciding Scozzafava a Lost Cause?

While the NRCC is not endorsing Hoffman or dropping its support of Scozzafava, it is becoming evident that they are no longer putting any real effort into getting Dede elected.

Hot Air reports that the RNCC will be continuing to run anti-Democrat (Owens) adds, but not spending any money on pro-Scozzafava media.  Red State is claiming that they have inside information on an RNCC pullout of the race.

All-in-all, it appears that the RNCC is hoping the two wrongs will make the election a right.. win.  It would have been better for the RNCC to fully back Hoffman, but it’s too much to ask.  The two parties in-power are not about compromising across ideological disparities as the founding fathers had hoped.  They are about winning, competing, bloodletting.

Moderates complicate the two-party system.  It’s supposed to be about two groups with differing ideals coming to the table and working out compromise.  Lately, all we’ve heard is one group or another figuring out how to ignore the other.  Both of them are wrong.  GOP, DNC.. wrong.  A Hoffman win might be a start of a turnover in Congress.  After all, which two parties did we actually start with?  That’s right, Whigs and Republican-Democrats… not here anymore.  And if that’s not enough, our first President, did not belong to  a political party and had hoped they would not form over fear of  divisiveness .

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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