
Tony Katz Catches Leader of Fairfax County Dem. Committee Admitting to Voter Fraud


Tony Katz

As mentioned in AllPatriotsMedia’s blog on June 27th, Tony Katz was part of the Americans for Prosperity’s Real Facts, Real Solutions bus tour throughout the state of Virginia.  On the first stop, they encountered a group of young protestors accusing AFP of promoting voter fraud.  Needless to say, Mr. Katz approached and confronted the protestors with interesting results.


Katz – Do we agree with James O’Keefe that there is voter fraud?

Del Aguila – At what percentage?

Katz – What percentage is ok for you?

Del Aguila – Six Sigma?

Katz – I don’t understand what you mean. What percentage is ok of voter fraud? You’re saying that AFP commits voter fraud. I’d like to know if you have any proof of that. I’d love to see it.

Del Aguila – 999

Cesar Del Aguila, leader of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee.

I didn’t know what “six sigma” meant either, but according to Katz:

Six Sigma is a business strategy made famous by Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, that attempts to decrease defects in a product line

to an acceptable level. On their website, GE states that Six Sigma would lead to a process that only allows for 3.4 defects per million.

How is it that Democrats claim that voter fraud doesn’t exist, yet can also claim that Americans For Prosperity support it? Del Aguila confirms that Virginia Democrats agree voter fraud exists, but that they are ok with a certain percentage of it. When further pressed on why he blamed 999 – and by extension Herman Cain? – Del Aguila provided no answer.

Stay classy Democrats.

P.S.- Two days later,on June 29th, Katz confronted protestors again concerning why they were  there.  They couldn’t answer.

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Matt Vespa

I'm a staunch Republican and a politics junkie who was recently the Executive Director for the Dauphin County Republican Committee in Harrisburg. Before that, I interned with the Republican Party of Pennsylvania in the summer of 2011 and Mary Pat Christie, First Lady of NJ, within the Office of the Governor of NJ in 2010. I was responsible for updating his personal contact list. My first political internship was with Tom Kean Jr's. U.S. Senate campaign in 2006.

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One Comment

  1. These folks don’t want to talk and when they DO speak, they speak in riddles simply because they know they’re lying and they don’t want to be videoed doing it.
    This is truly pathetic and IMO, it’s insulting.

    Democrats have painted themselves in a corner. they’ve continually lied to America and now they have no recourse but to continue to push those lies and hope that the uninformed outnumber those who DO know.

    Their ideas do not stand on their own in the arena of reasoned debate.

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