Editorial Cartoons

How the U.S. stands up to Russian Aggression – in a single image


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A.F. Branco

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  1. Actually.. its not that the US Navy did not want to retaliate.. the fact is, the Russian now not so secret weapon Khibiney .. a super advanced Electronic Jamming system, designed in Iran.. had .. for the SECOND time completely disabled the SS Donald Cook, and the ship was wallowing.. unpowered, unable to operate any of its state of the art Aegis Anti Aircraft / Radar / long range detection equipment.
    In fact all they could do was point their Handguns at the Russian jets that flew over them for 45 minutes. USA doesn’t get it.. the Russians have them by the balls.. their Navy, their Aircraft Carriers, their ships are all just floating junk after the Russians press the Khiminy button.

    1. Matt, that’s more than interesting…and a very scary possibility. Could you please give us a little more background (sources) about it? It’s certainly not something the media would tell us and yet we do have a ‘need to know’ thanks

    2. No problem
      These should get you started.. I wish I had kept the info on how the Russians possess a tiny model plane.. wingspan of only 2 foot or so.. it carries Electronic Jamming equipment that can fly over a town or city and completely disable all cellphone towers.. and another article of how they disabled a US fighter jet that had just taken off from a Texas airbase.. the craft crashed killing the Maj Gen pilot.. the Russians were at sea.. 40 – 50 Km away and used a version of their Khiminy system to knock out the electronics of the plane..
      Anyway.. enjoy the reading.. and do bookmark a couple of those sites they are very interesting.

      goo.gl/MmlJbV Video of both attacks on Donald Cook

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