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Freedom’s Broken Wings


photo credit: Wimena Kane Y en Nueva York llueve en lugar de hacer sol via photopin (license)

I am happy to re-post the piece below, though I wish I knew to whom to attribute it. It seems to provoke a surprising level of anger in some.

Maybe that means you should consider re-posting it as well.

Those who are angry and offended when others exercise their own individual free will, are not likely free themselves. Perhaps they believe they will find freedom in the subjugation of others.
How surprised they will be when they discover that they have only enslaved themselves further in the process.
3 years from now, some of you will look back & admit that you spent an entire year of your life wearing a mask, cooped up in your house & avoiding all the people you love. 😭 A year in your life that you’ll never get back.
And let me say this, I am not saying this virus isn’t real, or that there aren’t people that could be/have been really affected. If you’re at risk, take precautions, stay home when sick, absolutely.
Every single day is a risk.
Car accident, flu, etc.
Our days were numbered from the moment we took our first breath. Life isn’t a race where we win against the inevitable! That has not changed since the beginning of time!
BUT, we should not be forced to live in fear.
We went from being a free nation to being told we:
🚫 couldn’t go to school
🚫 couldn’t go to church
🚫 couldn’t go to our grandma’s house
🚫 couldn’t pay respects to a loved one through a funeral
🚫 couldn’t leave our homes
…and when we were allowed to do these things, we were told:
📢 how long we could be there
📢 how far apart we have to be
📢 which direction to walk
📢 what to wear
📢 what we can buy/not buy
📢 where we could shop/not shop
📢 whether we could sing/worship/take communion
📢 what time we had to be home
Yes, our health matters.
But you know what else matters?
✅ Family.
✅ Friends.
✅ Church.
✅ School.
✅ Hockey games.
✅ Family vacations.
✅ Neighborhood BBQs.
✅ Life.
✅ Fitness.
✅ Hugs.
💔 One day, you’ll hug your grandma, mom, dad, or brother for the last time.
💔 One day, your best friend will cry on your shoulder for the last time.
💔 One day, your child will play their last hockey game.
💔 One day, they’ll have their last day of school.
💔 One day, you’ll spend your last day laughing with a loved one.
💔 One day, you’ll dance your last dance.
Don’t waste the days you have by living in fear.
Your time here on earth matters.
Live your life while you have the chance.
God is gonna call you home when it’s your time.
Virus or no virus.

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Karen Kataline

Karen Kataline is a commentator, columnist & talk show host. She holds a Master’s Degree from Columbia University and is a frequent guest host on AM Talk Radio. She has an active blog and her Op Eds can be seen online at Fox News, Investor’s Business Daily, Western Journal, Town Hall, The Daily Caller, FrontPage Mag, and The American Thinker.

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