Report: Many at Breitbart wonder if Bannon will ‘last the day’

Allies of former Trump Strategist Steve Bannon are distancing themselves from the controversial political figure according to a new report.…

7 years ago

Eric Holder – carrying guns should be like smoking

Before anyone gets really excited, no, Eric Holder didn't make this comparison recently. This is a blast from the past,…

11 years ago

Obama Media Worm Turns on Woodward

The name Bob Woodward has been synonymous with investigative journalism for the vast majority of my lifetime. By the time…

12 years ago

Newtown, Connecticut Shooting as Example of MSM Failure

It happens. There is a tragedy, and the press leaps into action. Reporters run about trying to pull together information…

12 years ago

MSM’s Love Affair with Obama Cooling Down

It's true that the Mainstream Media has been madly in love with Obama since he came on the scene as…

12 years ago Shifts the Narrative…Again. officially began the first phase of their #VetThePrez campaign on the Sean Hannity show Wednesday night. Ben Shapiro and…

13 years ago