Money & The Economy

More Consequences of Obamacare

Mainstream media are finding themselves in a challenging position. Supporters of the Affordable Health Care Act, they are now finding that the new law has many unexpected consequences.

USA Today reported this week that fewer businesses may be hiring this year due to the restrictions of Obamacare. More businesses are planning to hire part-time rather than full time workers with companies trimming hours back to fewer than 30 due to the new health care law. Analysts are predicting this will impact the job market and continue stressing the already tenuous economy.obamacare fallout

USA Today: Under the Affordable Care Act, businesses that employ at least 50 full-time workers — or the equivalent, including part-time workers — must offer health insurance to staffers who work at least 30 hours a week. Employers that don’t provide coverage must pay a $2,000-per-worker penalty, excluding the first 30 employees.

While the new mandate doesn’t take effect until 2014 employers are being told they must back track employee scheduled hours for the previous year necessitating these earlier changes.

In addition to part time workers the impact of the new health care law seems to be affecting those companies who are currently just under the 50 employee threshold. According to the USA Today article many businesses who were looking to expand just over the threshold are now delaying their growth plans, waiting for stronger signs of improving economy.  Others are considering hiring more part time workers to avoid the tax penalties.

You can read the entire article here: USA Today.

Share it with friends who voted for the Democratic Congress that passed this unread legislation and who are now wondering why there are fewer jobs available. As President Obama said, “Elections have consequence.”

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Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch. Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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  1. I honestly believe that young people that support Obama care do not have a clue as to what it actually contains. The very mention of Death panels scares the hell out of me.

    1. Thanks for commenting.
      I think you are right. These low information voters believed the rhetoric and ideals promoted by both the administration and the media.
      For many years I have watched the socialized medicine programs of both the UK and Canada. My Canadian friends tell me that the young people there love their insurance…until they need it. Suddenly, they discover its flaws. It is obvious that many decisions are based on age and productivity of the patient and cost.

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