When Are We Going To Wake Up To The Chinese Threat At Home
We know the Chinese, and therefore the CCP, are infiltrating every aspect of our lives. It is challenging to purchase anything in America that does not have the Made in China label. Some of us make a conscious effort to buy American, knowing that if we can source our needs, they will be more costly, but it is a very time-consuming and frustrating process. Accepting the economic impact and the proliferation of cheap Chinese goods is one thing, but it is the threat to our national security that China poses that should alarm every one of us. I believe that most Americans are concerned about the Chinese threat, but we are worried about the ambivalence of our government in taking action against known threats. It makes you wonder the extent of the Chinese influence on our political leaders and, in effect, the Justice Department right down to our local police. We everyday citizens see things happening, but also see law enforcement turn their heads.
We know, or at least feared, that Joe Biden was in the pockets of the Chinese and that his son, Hunter, had received money from the CCP. That money comes with conditions, including Dad looking the other way. Joe was a dutiful political hack. We saw evidence of this when the Chinese balloon floated over America without resistance from state or federal law agencies or our military. The spy balloon traversed from Alaska across the continental United States, navigating to close proximity of every strategic military base in its path before being shot down over the Atlantic. D.C., meaning Joe Biden, knew it was a controlled orbit but hoped they could tell us it was a weather balloon that posed no danger or threat. They knew better but allowed it to run its course. We may have seen that scenario repeat with the drones flying around New Jersey. They may still be there, but there are new news items to draw attention away. By the way, how foolish is it to say that, on the one hand, we have no idea what the drones are, while on the other, we are saying they pose no danger. The first condition of ignorance does not allow the second assessment, but they expect us to buy it.
The one situation involving Chinese Nationals that hits home for me is the explosion of illegal marijuana farms that are popping up in many rural areas across the country, including our second home state of Maine. The last estimate is close to 250 illegal growers in Maine. A year ago, there were news reports every week of a raid, arrests, and confiscation of plants and products of a Chinese Triad owned illegal operation. All law enforcement activity against these operations mysteriously stopped in April last year. There had already been one bust In our neighborhood in Turner, but a second Turner location was disclosed last month when a murder was connected to employees of the second location. It was discovered that police had known about this farm since 2021 but had taken no action. Why?
A new twist was reported by The Maine Wire last week. Many of the pot farms that had been busted and shut down are now applying for and being granted licenses to operate legally. These licenses amount to a Get Out of Jail Free Card as they are now insulated from legal action. How can this make sense even to a progressive government such as Maine’s?
There are so many questions, including:
- Who told the law enforcement agencies to stand down?
- Who made the call to issue illegal aliens who had already been arrested licenses to operate legally?
- Why is the Maine Wire the only new media covering this situation?
- Now that the government is handing out passes, what can be done about the sex and human trafficking known to be associated with the Chinese operations.
If Americans were setting up these farms, they would be shut down and arrested. Why are the Chinese given a pass? This entire situation is wrong, must stop, and only will if ordinary citizens report activity and demand action.
Content syndicated from Conservative View from New Hampshire with permission
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