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The Democrats are Now Prisoners of their Own Hate

The case they’re making against Trump is not a case … against Trump.  It’s a case they’re making against you.  Joe Biden‘s [remark] towards the end of the campaign that you’re “garbage” if you’re a Trump supporter is something Democrats now truly believe … [By contrast,] most Republicans believe most Democrats are misinformed, they’ve been told [false] things, they might be gullible, or have different interests and priorities.  [But] the unspoken assumption most Democrats [including] Joe Biden … and Kamala Harris [have] made, isn’t really that Trump is Hitler.  It’s whether your fellow Americans are actually evil … [T]he Left has thoroughly demonized anyone who supports Trump.  It started off as “Trump is Hitler” and it’s moved to “Anyone who supports him is a “brown shirt” and a NAZI. … That’s the real danger to democracy [because] democracy rests on a simple presumption, that the people you share society with are not your enemies.  …

Ben Shapiro (Harvard J.D.), Host of The Daily Wire election night coverage 2024

[Y]ou could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? [They’re] racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it.

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, 9/11/16

The only garbage I see floating out there is [Trump’s] supporters. His demonization of Latinos is unconscionable and un-American. It’s totally contrary to everything … we’ve been.

President Joe Biden, 10/30/24

Not all Trump voters are stupid people but all stupid people voted for Trump:  The Trump-voting MAGAts [maggots] who are not stupid are racist, sexist, misogynist, “misogynoirist [the combined force of anti-Black racism and misogny directed towards black women],” classist, nativist, Islamophobic and/or homophobic. But I’m not writing about them [here]. … Today, I’m focusing on the Trump voters who are stupid. … [T]heir stupidity is not surprising because the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, Donald Trump.

Michael Coard, Philadelphia Tribune, 11/18/24

I love this [bickering between different parts of MAGA over Musk’s support for H1-B visas].  Now you’re finding out, you dumb f–king idiots. … You’re so f–king stupid, and you deserve it. And you f–king deserve it because you’re so dumb.  You know what they’re saying about the anti-immigrant jobs, right.  Who’s it to say that one of those jobs you might be seeking might be one of those white jobs.

Don Lemon, 12/30/24

One of the main storylines concocted by the Democrat “News”-media Collusion Team in order to keep themselves in money and, their real obsession, retain the power to push innocent people around, is that Donald Trump is a fascist Hilterian “threat to democracy itself”.  However, as Shapiro points out, the real threat to democracy in America is that many Democrats, facilitated by the deceitful and sloppy way they use language, have decided that half the country are Hitlerian fascists.  That is, it is not just that they irrationally hate Trump but that they irrationally hate half of their fellow Americans as well.

Whereas Republicans tend to view Democrats as misinformed or deluded, the Democrats (that would be the alleged “inclusive” Party) do not merely despise Trump, but despise his supporters as evil.  Other supporters of the “inclusive Party” like Don Lemon (not a candidate for being a rocket scientist, let alone a philosopher) and many others absolutely despise Trump supporters as stupid.  Michael Coard of the Philadelphia Tribune clarifies the “inclusive Party’s” perspective by dividing Trump supporters into two types, the ones who are evil and the ones who are exonerated from being evil because they are just too stupid.

It is deeply revelatory that defenders of the “inclusive Party” have some felt need to insult Trump supporters, e.g., they’re “garbage”, they’re “MAGAts [maggots] who are” either “stupid” or, citing the whole list, “racist, sexist, misogynist, “misogynoirist classist, nativist, Islamophobic and/or homophobic.”  Not enough attention has been given to Saint Hillary’s invitation to her audience, after mechanically reciting her standard list of smears of Trump supporters (racist, sexist, homophobic, Xenophobic, Islamophobic) to add any additional smears they might come up with: “you name it.”  Note how remarkably easy it is for Democrats come up with new smears of their fellow Americans.

And it is a tad ironic that “the inclusive Party,” which sees Trump supporters as Hitlerian fascists, finds it so easy to smear their fellow Americans with dehumanizing labels, comparing them to “garbage to be discarded” or maggots to be crushed under one’s jackboot, when, in reality, dehumanizing their political opponents, Jews, homosexuals and others, was the central strategy of Hitler and the NAZIs.    

That is Shapiro’s core point.  Too many Democrats, in their venomous hatred of Trump and MAGA, have adopted the very dehumanizing Hitlerian or fascistic tactics that they project on their political opponents.   That is the real threat to democracy.

The good news is that their hate campaign towards Trump supporters does not appear to be working, even, in fact, it appears to be backfiring,

Trump’s return to power [is] fueled by Hispanic, working-class voter support.  

Reuters, 11/7/24

A majority of Latino men, big gains among Asian voters and black men, and a lot more members of Gen Z [revealing] a dramatic drift rightward for young and non-white voters, …

The New York Post, 11/6/24

During The Daily Wire’s election night coverage, one of the guests remarked that what the astonishing shift of Hispanics towards Trump shows is that they have now been completely assimilated into the country.  The Hispanic down the street may vote Democrat or may vote Republican – and that is a good thing because it means that in order to secure his/her vote in an election, one must convince him/her with policy arguments, not get by with the Democrat’s favorite tactic of name-calling.  That is precisely why the Democrats hate and fear Trump so much (and need to destroy him and his followers).  Having been captured by the unhinged Left, Democrats literally have no idea anymore how to formulate common-sense policies to improve the lives of people they have come to despise.  How can one bring oneself to work to improve the lives of all those NAZIs (one’s car mechanic Bob) in one’s constituency?  The Democrats have constructed their own prison of their own hatred.

For the same reason, more voters now see the Democrats as a greater threat to democracy than Trump,

Trump is now favoured to handle ‘threats to democracy’: [The question is now] about the weaponization of the Justice Department and also great skepticism over whether or not J6 was overblown or even a setup …

Human Events, 12/13/24

This is only fitting. With all of their dehumanizing name-calling, Stalinist weaponization of the legal system to imprison or harass their political opponents, attempts to throw Trump off the ballot whenever they could so that the peasants don’t even have the choice to vote for him or not (Colorado, etc.), embrace of cancel culture and the censorship of their political opponents … and so on, the peasants noticed that Democrats are the real threat to democracy.  For every voter the Democrats gained with these fascistic tactics, they lost more voters who don’t want to live in a society in which one Party tries to destroy its hated political opponents with such despicable tactics.  Imagine that!  Democracy worked again to defeat the real authoritarians! 

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Richard McDonough

Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgenstein’s logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi.

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One Comment

  1. It’s hilarious that one of the biggest failures of the 21st Century is Don Lemon. Dudette can’t keep a job (ONE episode on X and… done!!!) Don Lemon calling Trump supporters “dumb” and “f-king stupid” is literally the pot calling the kettle black. There’s a reason why “Lemon” (with the Tucker pronunciation) and “moron” rhyme…

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