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Can We Put Biden Reality Into Perspective

For the four years that Joe Biden was in the White House, his staff and media colluded to hide the fact that the President of the United States was incapable of carrying out the duties of his job. Why is the enormity of that statement not resounding with the American public? In the worst cover-up and conspiracy since Watergate, it was obvious to every American that Joe Biden was mentally incapable of being president. Still, we heard his staff and media defending him and proclaiming him to be at the top of his game. If these people believe their rhetoric, they are naive and stupid. We have heard people say that Joe Biden had a fifty-year career of service to his country and that we should accept him for who he is. No, Joe had a career of enriching the Biden Family with millions of dollars taken from foreign companies and countries thinking that having access to Joe Biden was worth a fortune. Joe Biden is not a Patriot but an opportunist who sent his son off to sell the family name to the highest bidder. He is shameless, and the entire Democrat Party either bought his act or realized they had to be complicit in the game of “Hide the Senile Old Man.” The Kid From Scranton Act worked for a while but did not age well. Half the country saw through the act, and the other half was defiant that there was nothing to see here.

The Democrats are perfectionists at projection and deflection. They blamed Republicans for the very crimes they were guilty of, knowing if they spoke loud and often, the media would echo the lines, and nobody would see the actual crimes. The preemptive pardons issued by Joe Biden on his final day speak volumes about the actual efforts of Biden’s final moments as President. While Trump was taking the oath in the Rotunda of the Capital, the pardons of Biden’s family, General Milley and Anthony Fauci, were signed and crept under the radar. Why do innocent people need pardons retroactively back to 2014? Because they are not innocent. They are guilty as sin, not just for what they did while Biden was President but for the last decade. These are evil people who fed off the American public. These American people are generous but do not take advantage because they can become revengeful. These people may have protection from Federal prosecution, but not from being publicly disgraced and embarrassed. This should not be a focus of Trump’s attention, but maybe one for Speaker Johnson. Let’s make him the quiet pit bull who can call these people before the House, and without the protection of the 5th Amendment, they can either paint a picture of the Biden Cartel or lie. And we know how this Biden Team mastered the “Art of the Lie.” At some point, we will stop thinking and writing about Joe Biden. He has no legacy, there will be no Library, and he will be remembered as the worst President in History. In the meantime, let’s make him walk the walk of shame.

Content syndicated from Conservative View from New Hampshire with permission

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Ray Cardello

As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Conservative View from New Hampshire is Ray’s second blog and podcast effort in 20 years. He has published over 1,000 articles since January 2021, is syndicated on 15 websites, and is published on over 65 sites. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media. Ray claims there will be much to discuss as we move forward and his blog will not focus strictly on Washington but will also delve into State and Local issues as well. There is so much going on and so little factual sources of information to rely on.

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  1. And it would be great if Speaker Johnson would expand that investigation to the rest of the COB Cartel (Clinton Obama Biden) for all the world to see.

  2. The first constitutional duty of every President and Vice President is to protect their citizens; not contribute to killing them with drugs (over a quarter of a million Americans have died from the fentanyl flowing across their open border since they’ve been in office) or allowing them to be murdered or raped by foreign invaders. It’s just Treason on the part of Biden and Harris and Mayorkas to refuse to follow Federal immigration laws and allow a complete invasion of our country by 12 – 14 million poor, uneducated illegals including known terrorists, cartels, violent gangs and 28,000 convicted murderers and rapists and 600,000 convicted criminals.

    Then while he was doing all of this, Biden was busy weaponizing the DOJ and the FBI against the political opposition. He used the FBI like the old East German Stasi to hunt down for 3 1/2 years over 1561 people that entered the Capitol on Jan. 6; most of them peaceful protestors and hundreds on video being let in by Capitol Police. At the same time he continued to call MAGA supporters fascists and a clear and present threat to Democracy, as well as prosecuting Catholics protesting at abortion clinics and parents protesting at school board meetings. Whether it was Biden or Obama’s third term, this was the purposeful destruction of the United States to turn us into a totalitarian state ruled by elite Democrats and Globalists. Thank God, Trump was elected because another marxist Democrat President would have completed the transition and our Republic would have been lost forever. Now, we have a fighting chance to save it.

  3. Joe and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of money.
    Joe fell down and broke his crown
    What happened to US wasn’t funny.

    Thing is… they forgot to pardon themselves.
    Big mistake. Huge.

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