
Biden’s “final terrible [Legacy Destroying] Decision”

President [Trump], … issuing presidential pardons [of family members] … would be a gross abuse of the presidential pardon authority.

                                    Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, 1/2/20

The precedent of giving blanket pardons, pre-emptive blanket pardons on the way out of an administration … is a precedent we don’t want to set.

Democrat House member and incoming senator for California Adam Schiff, 12/15/24

The seeking of pardons is powerful demonstration of the consciousness of guilt, or at least the consciousness that you may be in trouble. And that’s what’s so shocking about this.

                                    Democrat House Rep. Maryland, James Raskin, 6/13/22

It concerns me what kind of precedent [issuing pre-emptive pardons] sets and how the rest of the world looks at us as a nation of laws and justice.  You are not going to see in our [Biden-Harris] administration that kind of approach to pardons.  … You are going to see a totally different way we approach the Justice system.

President elect Joe Biden’s response to question about a rumour that Donald Trump might issue pre-emptive pardons for his compatriots, 12/3/20

Before leaving the White House, Biden issued pre-emptive pardons for the members and staff of the Jan. 6 committee, former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci, and the police officers who testified before the Jan. 6 committee. He also pardoned his brother James Biden and his wife, as well as his sister Valerie Biden Owens and her husband. … In issuing [these] pre-emptive pardons … Joe Biden made one final terrible decision [emphasis added].

                                    The Huffington Post, 1/21/25

Joe Biden … in his Inauguration Day address … made the central purpose of his presidency clear … to unify the nation and shore up its democratic institutions That is one reason why his pardon of his son Hunter Biden … may further damage his already tarnished legacy.

                                      Wall Street Journal, 12/2/25

Biden’s Pardons and a Last Broken Norm: His lawfare campaign [emphasis added] ends in protection for his family and allies. President Biden’s parting shot to democratic norms was announced Monday at 11:38 a.m., or 22 minutes before his constitutional term ended at noon.

                                    Wall Street Journal, 1/20/25

At 11:45 am on Monday, the media finally felt the scorpion’s sting … delivered by Joe Biden, who shattered any pretence of principle in pardoning family members allegedly implicated in the influence-peddling corruption scandal.  … In a city where corruption is a cottage industry, the Bidens have long been in a league of their own, from nepotism to influence peddling to illicit lobbying.  … [M]illions were generated from foreign sources in virtual plain view [including] luxury hotel rooms, a diamond, a sports car, and massive payments called “loans.” In 2019, one Chinese businessman wired Hunter Biden $250,000 using Joe Biden’s Delaware home as the beneficiary address. … [Despite all this,] the media continued to protect Biden, [even] as evidence showed that Biden had repeatedly lied about not meeting with Hunter’s clients or not having knowledge of his foreign dealings.

GWU Law Professor Constitutional Scholar Jonathan Turley, 1/21/24

            One of the storylines the Democrat “News”-media Colluders (hereafter the DNC) settled on to play the American people and keep themselves in money and power is that unlike the evil Orange Donald Trump, Joe Biden is a paragon of morality and truthfulness.   Despite the fact that Biden has been shamelessly lying his whole life, a picture was painted of good old “Scranton Joe,” a humble honest salt of the earth guy just like all the plumbers and steel workers at the pub down the street.  With his disgraceful preferential pardons, that delusion is now clearly all gone … and the country has paid dearly for it.  It may have taken a while, literally at the very end of the Biden “presidency” (how convenient), but Biden’s disgraceful final pardons has capped off his disgraceful “presidency”.  The only question is why it took so many people, including what’s left of our “news” media, to figure this out. 

The answer is that many, including most of the “news” media, being shameless Democrat or leftist partisans, were happy to engage in what French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre calls “bad faith” (roughly, wilful self-deceit).  For Biden’s duplicity has been evident to anyone with eyes to see since the beginning of his “presidency” when he deliberately threw open the southern border and began lying that it is secure.

It has been evident ever since Biden promulgated the false story, which, he had claimed, convinced him that he just had to run for president in 2020, that Trump had called the NAZI’s and White Supremecists at the 2017 Charlottesville protests “good people”.  Fortunately, the left-leaning fact checker Snopes found one of the remaining few that can read at the 7th grade level that pointed out that Trump had explicitly stated at that rally that he was not calling the NAZIs and White Supremacists “good people”.  Funny no one noticed at the time.

It has been evident to anyone with functioning eyeballs and a modicum of integrity that, even in Biden’s 2020 campaign, he was suffering serious cognitive decline.  Since, however, the DNC’s sole goal was to prevent a 2nd Trump term, they settled on the cynical ploy to paint themselves as heroically “saving democracy” even as they tried to prevent the American people from knowing the truth about Biden’s mental and moral incapacities.  Biden was “the best Biden ever”, “sharp as a tack” and a dynamo of energy whose stunning accomplishments mean that his face should be on Mt. Rushmore beside “Honest Abe” and FDR – even though the American people could see Biden wandering around confused or staggering to his beach recliner for yet another vacation.  A real joke there!

Many people will see Biden’s shameless raft of pre-emptive pardons as evidence of “consciousness of guilt”, that is, evidence, as Trump has been saying for years, that the Biden and the DNC have broken numerous laws in order to destroy him and our democracy in the bargain for their own selfish purposes.  As American musician/singer Kid Rock (1/20/25) puts it, “Does anything say “guilty” more than pre-emptive pardons?” 

The only thing that is really surprising is that it took Biden’s last minute disgraceful preferential pardons for a vast raft of his co-conspirators to convince many of what has been obvious since the beginning, that Biden is an unprincipled machine politician interested only in one thing, himself and his corrupt “influence peddling” family.  Not so much interest in the country.  As soon as he found he could not run for a 2nd term he pretty much “checked out”.  It’s all about “the Big Guy”.

After 4 years of absurd lawless decisions, having actually done most of what he and his DNC co-conspirators have accused Trump of wanting to do, with his legacy in tatters for all to see, it is now clear that the only way Biden gets on Mt. Rushmore will be if he is sent up there to clean the bird poop off Teddy Roosevelt’s face.   The only bright spot is that the reputation of what’s left of the “news” media, which never showed any interest in doing their job for the American people, is now in the same tatters.

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Richard McDonough

Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgenstein’s logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi.

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  1. I would love to see someone legally argue: If Biden was too feeble minded to stand trial, wouldn’t he be too incompetent to issue pardons? Can’t these be canceled on grounds of his incompetence? I wish that vile family the worst. I hope they get caught up in a mudslide. Jill looked like Barney…. totally upstaged by both our first and second lady.

  2. It’s about time to hold democrats responsible for the 10’s of billion dollars of tax payer monies they wasted on illegals.

  3. Democrats have squandered billions away on radical non- American ideas without any tax payer’s approval. They have contributed nothing to reduce the Country’s debt except more tax and spend nonsense, they lack the ability to govern since their party has been taken over by radical thinkers who are out to destroy America. Trump has taken the initiative to reverse corrupted joe Biden’s America last policy’s and the Democrats are doing their best to slow down or stop Trump’s forward progress. Let democrats in office know they will be held responsible for the damage they have done to out economy they will be held accountable for the billions wasted on illegals breaking our established laws.

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