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Biden DOJ’s “Shock and Awe” Campaign Against the American People  

On 1/20/25, the [DOJ’s] “shock and awe” campaign came to an end as President Trump pardoned 1,500 January 6th defendants.  4 years ago, the [DOJ] set out to send a chilling message ….  In an interview with CBS a year later, DOJ official Michael Sherwin [said] they wanted to send a message with the harsh treatment [of defendants [saying] that “our office wanted to …  take out those individuals that were thumbing their noses at the public for what they did.”  The awe is gone but the shock remains at the [DOJ].  If Sherwin and his colleagues hoped to “Trump proof” the nation, they failed spectacularly. … The excessive treatment of some J6 defendants undermined the credibility of their prosecutions … The [DOJ] itself may have made the strongest case for [Trump’s] presidential pardons [all boldface added].

Liberal GWU Law Professor Jonathan Turley, 1/21/25

[Former President Biden’s pre-emptive pardons] certainly opens up President Trump’s ability to use the pardon power very broadly. He now has a precedent [that] … I suspect Trump will use it for good purposes and pardon people who didn’t deserve to be prosecuted [boldface added].

Liberal Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, 1/21/25

If [these J6 folks] were involved in any kind of violence they were not pardoned [by Trump]. They were commuted. … I’m glad … they… got pardons … and commutations … This was ultimately the right decision because the decisions made right after January 6 [by the DOJ] were very political in nature.  There were comparable events in other parts of the country where more property damage was caused and almost nobody got prosecuted.  [Trump’s pardons and commutations] was an attempt to bring about some degree of equality. … Black Lives Matter [BLM] people who caused more damage in some western states got no prosecutions.  There was a real violation of the equality of function of the law [by] … Democrat prosecutors. … The [J6 folks] who … just walked into the Capitol were not treated fairly compared to the people protesting today in BLM or on college campuses [who were] sometimes threatening, harassing or hurting people … We have to have equality of treatment under the law regardless of the nature of the protest or the Party of the person [all boldface added].

Alan Dershowitz, 1/22/25

If you love America, leave the Democrat Party.

Former Democrat Party rising star, Iraq War veteran, House Rep. (HI 2nd District), Presidential Candidate in 2020, Tulsi Gabbard 4/30/24

Joe Manchin [formerly Democrat Senator, WV, now Independent] warns Democratic party is ‘toxic’ and registers as an Independent.

The Guardian, 12/22/24

The remnants of the Democrat Party and their “news” media colluders are, predictably, outraged over Trump’s pardons and commutations of many involved in the J6 riot at the Capitol.  In keeping with their tradition of hoaxes, sloppy thinking and inadequate knowledge both of the law and the political situation at the time, they continue to paint in broad terms not looking at the precise details of the alleged crime, the extreme sentencing of those alleged crimes and of the transparently political nature of the Biden DOJ.  Instead, everything for them is, as usual, very simple.  Democrat operatives said they are guilty and properly sentenced and so they are.  Period.  

One would have thought that these Democrat operatives would have taken some clue that something may be amiss from the fact that the Biden “Justice” Department described the campaign against J6 defendants as “Shock and Awe”, the same expression Bush II used to describe his 2003 military campaign in Iraq.  Unfortunately, what’s left of the Democrat Party and their “news” media colluders are, apparently, incapable of asking whether it is appropriate for the “Justice” Department to conceive of a campaign against American citizens on analogy with a military campaign against America’s external enemies. 

One would also have thought, if the Democrats and members of the alleged “news” had any capacity whatsoever for self-reflection, that they might have noticed that the treatment and sentencing of the J6 rioters was dramatically out of proportion to their actions.  It is not hard to find reports, as pointed out by leading liberal lawyers like Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz, of J6 protestors who committed at best minor offences but were treated like dangerous criminals by the Biden DOJ and what’s left of the FBI. 

One of these is Brandon Straka, a gay male who cried when Trump was elected in 2016, but later, after talking to a former teacher, realized that the media had been lying about things Trump had allegedly said and done.  He later became a Trump supporter who travelled the Capitol on J6 to protest the election results.  Straka describes how D.C. Judge Dabney Frederich “was openly hostile, aggressive, contemptuous, irrational, and blindly prejudiced. She treated me like a murderer … and was even worse to my attorneys.”  Further,  

She is responsible for ruling that the 1512 “Obstruction of an Official Proceeding” felony COULD be used against the J6ers. This felony charge was used as a weapon to force guilty pleas, and was given to many J6ers who chose to try to defend themselves at trial (100% of them lost).  Countless people spent years in prison on the 1512 charge, which was as overturned by the Supreme Court this year- for being unconstitutional and wrongfully applied [boldface added].

That’s right.  The 1512 “Obstruction of an Official Proceeding” used to jail J6ers was overturned by the US Supreme Court because it was wrongfully applied to many J6 cases by the Biden “Justice” Department [all boldface added]. 

Consider also the case discussed on Laura Ingraham’s recent show of glamour Instagram model Isabella Deluca who describes how she was bullied by prosecutors for lifting a table at the Capitol on J6 that was later used by others to attack police.  Now she looks dangerous doesn’t she!   Are we talking about the United States here or the lawfare Stalin used against his countrymen?  Unfortunately, as Turley and Dershowitz point out, this kind of “excessive treatment” of J6 protestors by the Biden DOJ, in contrast with the very soft treatment of their beloved BLM rioters who did more damage and cost more lives, was not uncommon by the Biden DOJ.  Unfortunately, this is inconsistent with the “Equal Protection Under the Law” clause of the US Constitution.  Is that Constitutional guarantee gone now for Republicans and conservatives? 

Someone needs to explain to what’s left of the Democrat Party and their “news” media servants that the Law is not meant to be used as a tool of a political Party to construct useful political narratives (e.g. their absurd Trump “Insurrection” narrative) or to punish people with whom they disagree politically.  That is, unfortunately, the state in the old Soviet Union and much of today’s Democrat Party until honourable people in that Party, like Tulsi Gabbard and Joe Manchin, say, “No more!”.

Finally, one cannot usually accuse what’s left of our “news” media of lying.  To tell a lie one must intend to state a falsehood.  However, most of the “mainstream” media literally don’t even possess the most basic critical reasoning and English language skills needed to formulate a coherent thesis and defend it rationally.  In brief, they don’t even know what they don’t know.  Most TV “journalists” are generally just handed pieces of paper and told to read them on air.

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Richard McDonough

Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgenstein’s logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi.

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