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America’s New “American Revolution” Has Consisted Of Only One Shot Being Heard Around The World, The Shot That Hit Donald Trump

Now that Americans have had a good, long taste of far-left ideas and policies, and especially after they voted Trump into the presidency for a second term and have witnessed the scandal, tragedy and death related to the Biden presidency and the Gavin Newsom governorship in California, the new era of Trump shines brightly on America’s horizon.

The idiocy of insisting that men can bear and nurse children; the idea that biological men should be, not only allowed to compete with women, but to have this edict backed by the law of Title IX, which was enacted to protect women and their sporting competitions; and for our idiot president Biden to insist that he would use the power of the Justice Department to assure that this unfair men-versus-girls competition be continued; along with the idea of the DEI abominations, including the related DEI scandal currently being exposed in Los Angeles, where millions of dollars of fire-fighting funds were misdirected from actual fire-fighters, and that funds were denied for the creation of water reservoirs intended to hold water to fight the wild-fires that California is famous for, but were instead wasted on DEI idiocy; and the denial of considering merit and personal accomplishments when filling official positions, in favor of having the usual Democrat racist tags of “first” black-trans-female-whatever person in office to fill the idiotic DEI slots, which was one great contributing factor in the LA fires that the world has become familiar with, has hopefully enlightened American citizens to the danger and folly of leftist theories.

And, as relieved as Americans are that we’ve finally rid our nation of the far-left ilk of Joey Biden, we are frightened that Californians may not have learned the lesson of Democrats and the damage they do to everything they touch, when they vote in the next California governor’s election.

It’s just like the familiar case of Democrats living in large Democrat-run cities, becoming fed up with the high taxes and the escalating crime rate they see so often, and relocating to a more pleasant conservative state with lower taxes and less crime, and then they start electing the same kind of Democrats that made life miserable in their former city, and the state of decline and misery in the new, low-tax and low-crime locations begins all over again. Do leftists not have the ability to learn, or will the process of big government always have to lead to poor conditions in citizens’ lives?

We can only hope that Californians, and New Yorkers, too, can see the problem with electing leftists like Biden and Newsom, and stop voting for these junk-thought people to positions of responsibility.

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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