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The Sins Of The Biden Administration Are Being Visited On The American People

Whatever else the stupidity of the Biden/Harris era did to harm the United States and its citizens, the tens of thousands of children lost in the Mexican desert and on American soil is the worst policy the Democrat party, and the immoral idiot in the White House, have ever put forward.

At least one hundred seventy thousand children are unaccounted for following Biden’s opening of the southern border immediately after being sworn in. This asinine excess will forever be presented by the hate-America left as a sin of the United States as we learn what happened to these innocent children. And this sin could have been avoided if anyone in the Biden administration had thought to raise the issue and question its wisdom. I’m sure that everyone recalls the failed presidential run of Kamala Harris, who knew of everything that was being done on the border and remained silent, and even told the ladies on The View that “nothing comes to mind” when she was asked about anything she would change from the way things were done in the Biden administration.

So now the race-baiting, far left Democrats can add child slavery and sex trafficking to their criticism of America, in addition to the African slaves imported here three centuries ago. It’s just one more charge against America that the hate-America leftists can use to humiliate this great country.

But one doubts that our political Democrat leftists will ever criticize the Biden administration for attracting the four-year-long wave of illegals from Central America and Mexico. And Kamala was the person Biden appointed to oversee the border; so will Democrats blame her for the horrific experience these children have been forced to endure? Hell no! They’ll just keep calling Americans racists and en-slavers for as long as they have the power to blame, and they’ll ignore the sins of Joey and his band of fools.

When we think about the international criminals who make up the majority of the United Nations, just imagine what fun this bunch of idiots, who get a thrill while watching Israeli citizens be tortured, raped and killed by Hamas, will have with America being called the child enslaving capital of the world. And of course, only the racist America could have so effectively devised a system whereby the children entered America on the power of their own two legs, so the overhead costs of acquiring the slaves could be reduced. One has only to recall the hell that Democrats raised when immigrant children were placed in isolated facilities, which Democrats at that time called cages, to protect them from predators during the first Trump administration, but now say not a word about the young people who have died crossing the desert alone or have travelled with slavers across Joey’s open border.

Russia, China and Iran will have a good laugh at how badly America conducts itself, and they’ll ignore the woke, far-left Democrats who caused the whole, irreversible mess. The abuse that will be dumped on America for the sins Biden is responsible for, will be never-ending.

Thanks, Joey.

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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