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The Democrat and Media “Biden Delusion” Finally Exploded for Good

Yesterday, Biden announced that he would pardon his wayward son, Hunter, for the federal crimes of which he had been convicted and others pending. … And Joe Biden is an honourable man. … He’s not. … He’s a liar, a blowhard, a partisan, an asshole.  He’s not decent, not straight-talking.  His election [was not] a return to normalcy … Biden’s merits … do not exist. They are projected, contrived, fantastical. … [T]he Biden Delusion [included] some truly preposterous claims, the insistence by a collection of self-serious historians that Biden had been the 14th-best president in history, ahead of Ronald Reagan and Ulysses Grant, no less. … He was described as a paragon of “uncommon decency” and “the man America needed.”  His flaws explained away as myths, his imperfections attributed to a childhood stutter.  His corruption and indulgence recast as a father’s love for his son. When he lied, and boy did he lie, his words ignored. … It didn’t work. … Americans don’t much like Biden. There isn’t much to like. … Paeans to his integrity are a façade.  Having lied incessantly about [not pardoning] his son, he not only gave the pardon [but] had the gall to [self-congratulate, saying]: “For my entire career I have followed a simple principle: Just tell the American people the truth.” … Nobody believes any of that these days.

                                                National Review, 12/2/24

Was Biden’s eleventh-hour pardon of Hunter some twisted act of compassion from a man who repeatedly said he would not use this power to [save] son from justice? Or was it the Democratic power brokers who insisted the pardon go back 10 years to Hunter’s days as a director of the [corrupt] Ukrainian energy firm, Burisma? Was this pardon ultimately not just about eradicating Hunter’s record but hiding Joe Biden’s corruption? As Biden continues to agitate for war with Russia with another last-minute attempt to infuse money into a comatose Ukraine, it is clear that he is going out with a whimper and potentially also the biggest [nuclear] bang in history. … Biden is true to form to the end [is] a bitter combustible [dangerous] old man

Human Events, 12/4/24

            I can’t get … these pre-emptive or prospective pardons, and the corrupt Biden-regime, the mobster that he, the family and the whole cabal are. So, I want to go back and remind you why they might be a little nervous. … After all they were a law-abiding regime … they followed the rule of law. Everything they did was legit. Why would they be worried?  I’ll tell you why they might be worried.  It’s the most corrupt, evil administration in American history, if not in American history [whereupon Levin goes on to rehearses the long list, that began “right out of the box”, of the sustained illegitimate weaponized lawfare the Biden administration used against Donald Trump].

Life, Liberty and Levin host, Mark Levin (Temple University J.D.), 12/8/24

I smell a rat [in the suggestion by James Clyburn and others that Biden might give a pre-emptive pardon to Trump]. A pardon for Trump would be the most hostile pardon ever issued.  Trump doesn’t need a pardon.  The cases against him have all collapsed.  … So, to give him a pardon … would be to send this [false] message that he’s still at risk. … The whole idea is to keep that narrative alive that if it were not for all of [Biden’s] “white knight” pardons we would have all been laid waste by … a “maniac” [Trump] coming into office.   It’s clear there’s a political value in this [for Democrats].  But the harm it would do [to the country] is considerable. This would not be, in any way, in line with previous pardons. … Ford wasn’t implicated in the Nixon pardon.  Joe Biden is [implicated in Hunter’s business deals]. Biden just gave a pardon for 10 years that goes all the way back to when he was VP … [covering] everything from money laundering to murder … In that broad scope [are] crimes associated with the Biden family influence-peddling scheme where many believe [Joe] himself lied repeatedly to the public and [had personal] involvement.

GWU Law professor and constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley, 12/8/24

If Biden begins to systemically use pre-emptive pardons for political purposes having nothing to do with uniting the country or for the benefit of the country but … does it for himself and his Party, he must be impeached.  I understand that this will be very hard and he will not be convicted in the Senate.  But we … cannot tolerate a mobster-dictator out the door.  He’s done enough damage to this country and to the Constitution.  Enough is enough.  That’s the only tool the framers have provided us.

                                    Mark Levin, 12/8/24

Biden [is] the worst president in modern history, behind Nixon

DailyMail/J.L. Partners poll of the American Public, The Daily Mail, 11/6/2024

Biden’s Unhinged Hairdo [at the White House Christmas lighting event] Suggests He’s [already] Checked Out

                                                            The List, 12/6/25

It feels [in] the Democratic Party, on Capitol Hill, and even in his own administration, like [Biden] left the Oval Office weeks ago.

                                                            Politico, 12/9/24

[America] has moved on, the world has moved on. Trump doesn’t take office until January, but you can see the rest of the world already treating him like he’s [in charge]. … We’ve not had a strong president [for 4 years], we have one now, everybody knows it.

CNN, USA Today, and the Los Angeles Times contributor Scott Jennings, 12/9/24

After lying for years that he would absolutely not pardon his son corrupt Hunter, Joe Biden’s shameless pardon of Hunter gave a lot of Americans, including a lot of Democrats, permission to admit what has been transparent to anyone with functioning eyeballs for years, that Joe Biden is a corrupt dishonest self-absorbed old man (“10% for the Big Guy”).  It was never about America, our people, our poor, our Constitution, our innocent little girls.  It was always about the opportunity for a “lighted fool … to strut and fret his hour upon the stage,” to be the center of attention, to brag about his non-existent stellar law school career, to brag about driving a big masculine truck or threatening to wrap a chain around “bad dude” Cornpop’s head, or about his war hero uncle Bose being eaten by cannibals, to push people around, to be “the big Guy,” and, of course to fill his family’s coffers with cash.  

A plethora of willing sycophants in politics and the “news” media were happy to ignore what was right in front of their eyes and push “the Biden delusion” with one fraud after another.  He was “the best Biden ever” … before he disintegrated on national television in the Trump-Biden debate.  Biden’s shameless lie about never pardoning his corrupt son has opened up the floodgates.  It’s all gone now.  And with it is gone the reputations of the fake news media, the fake universities and fake historians, Kamala Harris’ comical acting lessons and the Democrat Party “leadership” that perpetuated this fraud on the American people.

The Democrats did this to themselves.

Note:  The sentence “And Joe Biden is an honourable man” is a play on Marc Antony’s speech in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar where Antony sarcastically praises Brutus, actually meaning that Brutus, who had just murdered his “friend” Caesar, is not honourable.

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Richard McDonough

Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgenstein’s logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi.

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