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Ronald Reagan Was Right About Dictatorship Being Only One Election Away

The Biden administration could not have done more harm to America and its citizens if they had tried. We now have tragic debt; millions of people residing here who crossed the border illegally; run-away inflation; sky-high energy costs; a military that is still embarrassed for the disaster of the Afghanistan withdrawal; a president who can neither talk nor walk correctly and appears to be unable to think at all; wars raging all over the world; and this same idiot president will go out of his way to tell an interviewer how safe, prosperous and united the nation is.

So, in accord with Reagan’s warning about the importance of each election, how is it that one administration can take us from being a successful nation, to one that is about to fall apart due to the weakness and corruption in D.C.? Americans must realize the danger of leftist thinking and the unrelenting drive of Democrats to gain and retain power over our nation.

Of course, the impact of the Biden stupidity and his love of dictatorial policy edicts, was caused by the go-along-to-get-along mentality of our dear president’s fellow Democrats. They all knew that the mental slipping of Joey would assure them of some fast and substantial growth in their bank accounts, so Biden had a large and dedicated following as he tore apart America and drove the nation to near bankruptcy and a sky-rocketing crime rate. But no one knows for certain if Biden even knows what day it is, let alone discussing all of the corruption we have seen coming from his administration.

The lack of police protection of the American population, via the idiocy of the Democrat insistence on Defunding The Police, which is in line with the left’s other woke stupidities that have caused a disintegration of the once great cities of America, are typical of the lack of common sense and an absence of decency in today’s Democrat party. Whether you call them tyrannical dictators or just plain Democrats, these people have no respect for the private lives and personal objectives of American citizens, and they will never stop their grab for power.

The problem with the Democrat party is that they have no respect for the law and lack any religious morality, both of which tendencies prevent them from placing any limits on their skullduggery; and they will manipulate science in order to declare automobiles and air conditioners as the destroyers of the earth so they can control everything that free citizens want to do with their lives.

Today’s Dems must quickly evaluate their values and their objectives, or they will become an extinct political party of very dangerous losers.

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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One Comment

  1. Biden was the most treasonous President in American history and the head of the Biden crime family that laundered 50 million dollars in illegal “pay for play” deals with hostile foreign powers like China and Russia.

    The first constitutional duty of every President and Vice President is to protect their citizens; not contribute to killing them with drugs (over a quarter of a million Americans have died from the fentanyl flowing across their open border since they’ve been in office) or allowing them to be murdered or raped by foreign invaders or soon to be blown up from the inevitable terrorist attack that is coming. It’s just Treason on the part of Biden and Harris and Mayorkas to refuse to follow Federal immigration laws and allow a complete invasion of our country by 12 – 14 million poor, uneducated illegals including known terrorists, cartels, violent gangs and 28,000 convicted murderers and rapists and 600,000 convicted criminals.

    On the other hand, they’ve sent almost 200 billion dollars to protect Ukraine’s “sovereignty and territorial integrity” while using your tax dollars to destroy the United States as a sovereign nation by paying to fly and bus illegals all over the country and paying for their food, their housing and their medical. Yet when a disaster like hurricane Helene happens to actual citizens, they run out of money or FEMA refuses help to known Trump supporters.

    Then while he was doing all of this, Biden was busy weaponizing the DOJ, the FBI, and even the DOD against the political opposition in a manner worthy of any totalitarian dictator. Using the FBI like the old East German Stasi to hunt down for 3 1/2 years over 1561 people that entered the Capitol on Jan. 6; most of them peaceful protestors and hundreds on video being let in by Capitol Police. Then using illegal “obstruction” charges to force them to plead guilty to lesser charges or go bankrupt trying to fight the unlimited funds of the Federal prosecutors. At the same time he continued to call MAGA supporters fascists and a clear and present threat to Democracy, as well as prosecuting Catholics protesting at abortion clinics and parents protesting at school board meetings. No, none of this is incompetency. Whether it was Biden or Obama’s third term, this was the purposeful destruction of the United States to turn us into a totalitarian state ruled by elite Democrats and Globalists. Thank God, Trump was elected because another marxist Democrat President would have completed the transition and our Republic would have been lost forever. Now, we have a fighting chance to save it.

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