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A Divine Call To Defend Religious Freedom


We all remember that extraordinary day in Butler, Pa., when the course of history stopped, and God’s hand unmistakably intervened to save President Donald Trump’s life. Amidst the chaos of the 2020 campaign, with all the attacks against Trump through lawfare, politicization of the Department of Justice and the FBI and two assassination attempts, we saw the hand of God supernaturally protect Trump and lead us to a historic landslide victory.

God heard the prayers of millions of people crying out throughout the world and released His mercy, to give us four more years to turn America and nations back to Him. That day serves as a powerful reminder of the providential protection over a governmental leader ordained by God with a divine mission.

Today, as we witness his return to the presidency, we cannot ignore the spiritual significance of this moment. Trump’s re-election is more than a political victory, it is much more than a lesson in campaign victory strategies, it is a move of God designed to hold back the forces of evil, hatred and wokeism that threatens the future, our families, our faith and our freedoms.

In a world increasingly hostile to religious expression, Trump’s leadership represents a bulwark for faith communities across the globe. His presidency, both past and present, reflects a deep commitment to Judeo-Christian values that have shaped the Western world for centuries. His policies champion the freedom to worship, the protection of religious minorities and the defense of sacred traditions that are under assault in many parts of the world including the United States.

The fight for religious freedom is not a partisan issue — it is a moral imperative. It is about preserving the inalienable right of every individual to worship freely, without fear of persecution. Under Trump’s leadership, America has reaffirmed its role as a global leader in this fight, challenging regimes that oppress believers and calling out the persecution of Christians and the alarming rise of antisemitism both at home and abroad.

Antisemitism is not merely an attack on Jewish communities; it is an affront to the moral conscience of humanity. The resurgence of this ancient hatred has been felt across continents, from the desecration of synagogues in Europe to violent attacks in American cities. For Trump, combating antisemitism has always been a cornerstone of his agenda. His administration’s historic recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and recognition of Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights were not just diplomatic victories — they were bold affirmations of the Jewish people’s rightful place in the story of faith and freedom.

One of the most profound aspects of Trump’s presidency is the way it has united faith-based communities. Evangelicals, Catholics, and Jews have found common cause under his leadership, standing together to defend shared values. This unity is essential in a time when wokeism and secular ideologies seek to marginalize religious expression and erode the moral foundations of society.

The solidarity between evangelical Christians and the Jewish community is particularly noteworthy. Evangelicals, who have long been among Trump’ s most fervent supporters, recognize his unwavering commitment to Israel as a reflection of biblical principles. Jewish Americans, too, see in Trump a steadfast ally who has taken concrete steps to combat antisemitism and support their communities.

As Europe grapples with rising antisemitism and the erosion of traditional values, Trump’s leadership offers a model for standing firm in defense of faith. Countries with deep Judeo-Christian roots, such as Hungary have already demonstrated the power of conviction in this struggle. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s efforts to preserve Christian heritage and combat antisemitism is a testament to what strong leadership can achieve.

By aligning with leaders like Trump, European nations can reaffirm their commitment to the principles that have sustained their societies for generations.

Trump’s re-election is not merely a political milestone; it is a moment of divine opportunity. It challenges all of us — believers in every nation — to rise against the forces of evil, hate and division. It calls for us to defend the sacred rights of worship and to stand in solidarity with those who face persecution worldwide for their beliefs.

As we look to the future, let us take inspiration from Trump’s example of bold leadership. Let us unite as faith communities to protect the freedoms that are under attack. And let us never forget that the fight for religious liberty is not just a political struggle, it is a spiritual calling, one that requires courage, conviction and divine purpose.

There are hundreds of thousands of Christians in the United States and globally praying for Trump as he embarks on this new chapter of leadership, that God will release His wisdom, strength and counsel as he continues the fight to restore Judeo-Christian principles including religious freedom. Together, let us answer this call — for the sake of freedom, for the sake of faith and for the sake of future generations.

Pastor Mario Bramnick is founder and president of the Latino Coalition for Israel, co-chair of the Task Force to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism and director for the Hispanic Impact Panel.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller News Foundation.


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