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Tom Stiglich

Starting at a young age Tom Stiglich fell in love with cartooning. This lifelong endeavor has landed Stiglich in the most prominent papers such as The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, TIME Magazine and more.

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One Comment

  1. If the new President of Mexico like the former Presidents of Mexico allow the Cartels to operate in their Mexican states, making money shipping drugs, illegals free flow into the United States from China, all under her public statement that “it’s not Mexicans using those drugs” taking China on as a business partner, for her Country, apparently has made up her mind about her future partnerships. Not worried about the 25% tariffs, then we should close all the borders until we hear the words cooperation from her lips. Mexico has not been a friend of the United States under Biden. Mexico like China needs and wants trade with the United States, they have nothing in trade we really need tequila, peppers, we can live without, what we don’t are illegals and drugs killing Americans, close the borders with Mexico until she decides to rethink her comments.

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