
Results of 2024 presidential election shows it isn’t Education Vote or Gender Vote- It’s the Entitlement Vote

The results of the 2024 presidential election shows the  political divide, with the exception of abortion is not about ideology or gender.  After all, the gender gap is the education gap.  The education gap is about choice. For Men is a my brain, my wallet, my choice. It’s about the free lunch.

The 2024 Kamala Harris campaign, with the exception of abortion, was mostly based on platitudes, like not going back, celebrity endorsements, name-calling: racists, misogynist, dictator, ignorant, uneducated and so on.  Despite warnings of a colossal gender gap, Women were more evenly split than in 2020, with an 8 percent lead for Harris compared to a 15 percent lead for Biden among women voters. The 

The 2024 presidential election results show that the ‘uneducated’ and ‘ignorant’ like the other ad hominem attacks were just that. What it all boils to is free stuff.

If you paid attention to media coverage leading up to November 5th the results of the 2024 presidential were unexpected, if not downright shocking.  The DNC admited as much, after all, the New York Times/mainstream media were projecting Kamala Harris was going to win: Yet the Kamala Harris campaign is $20 million in debt. Lindy Li, a member of the DNC Finance Committee, said she and others were misled. Pollster Luntz told CNN’s MJ Lee that the president holds “a lot of blame” for her defeat and a number of Democrats have slammed Biden for his decision to seek reelection last year, declaring that he “hung on too long” before abandoning his presidential bid in July. A Harris aide has also pointed to a moment during the vice president’s interview on “The View” last month, when she told hosts that she couldn’t think of something she could’ve done differently from Biden over the past four years, Reuters reported. But Occam’s Razor suggests the NYT/MSM ‘experts’ played a big part on the failed campaign by misleading its subscribers and advertisers – a sort of red journalism.

The results showed every race, color, creed, and gender repudiated Kamala Harris’ failed platitudes-based campaign strategy which the NYT/MSM not only endorsed but promoted. 

Meanwhile, the New York Times led the mainstream media cheering squad promoting the sizzle campaign, while surrogates used social media as a boom box to expand on the strategy like announcing a daily celebrity endorsement and post misinformation. 

The so-called education vote in the 2024 presidential election also helps illustrate the inverse relationship between ‘education’ and common sense/wisdom – it’s not education, but Indoctrination.

Perhaps more important, the results show the lowest youth support for Democrats in a century and the often mentioned gap is not ideological but transactional.

In his message to Congress on February, 1963, President John F. Kennedy said: ” To the Congress of the United States:

“The youth of a nation”, said Disraeli –  Britain’s first, and so far only, Jewish Prime Minister – “are the trustees of posterity”. The future promise of any nation can be directly measured by the present prospects of its youth. This Nation facing increasingly complex economic, social and international challenges–is increasingly dependent on the opportunities, capabilities and vitality of those who are soon to bear its chief responsibilities. Such attributes as energy, a readiness to question, imagination and creativity are all attributes of youth that are also essential to our total national character. To the extent that the Nation is called upon to promote and protect the interests of our younger citizens, it is an investment certain to bring a high return, not only in basic human values but in social and economic terms. A few basic statistics will indicate the nature and proportion of our need to make this investment” – American youth decided to take matters in their own hands.

There was significant speculation over the Democrats losing the Black vote. But overall, the number of Black voters choosing Trump remained similar to NBC’s 2020 exit poll: increasing by 1 point to 13 percent. What is most apparent is the increased gap of 14 percent between Black men and women. Out of all demographic groups, Black women were Harris’s strongest supporters (91 percent), second only to Black voters aged 65+.

The overall sp-called gender divide was smaller than in 2020, and below predicted levels. Among Black and Latino groups in particular, however, the gap was substantial, possibly due to the ‘education gap:’ 2024 Demographics. Gender gap all: 11. White – 8. Black 14. Latino 18

The So-Called Education Vote

Gender gap in college completion by race and ethnicit

Axios reports that acoording to ‘experts’ a growing partisan split between Latino men and women is being driven partly by gaps in education. Latinos overall have made broad gains in obtaining college degrees during the past two decades, but women have significantly surpassed men, according to the UCLA Latino Data Hub.According to Pew Research Center. 27% of Latinas ages 25-29 are now likely to have a college degree, compared with 20% of Latino men, and college-educated voters tend to lean Democratic, as do Latino men and Latinas.

According to Pew Research, White, Black, Hispanic and Asian women between the ages of 25 and 34 are all more likely than their male counterparts to have a bachelor’s degree. 

The gap has increased to 10 points today (52% of White women vs. 42% of White men).

Similarly, in 1995, young Black women and men were about equally likely to have a bachelor’s degree (14% vs. 16%). Today, Black women are 12 points more likely than Black men to have one (38% of Black women vs. 26% of Black men).

Asian women and men are making comparable gains over the last few decades. In 1995, 42% of young Asian women and men had a bachelor’s degree. Today, 77% of young Asian women have one, as do 71% of young Asians.

For Men it’s My brain, my wallet, my choice 

2021 Pew Research Center survey asked Americans without a bachelor’s degree why they chose not to seek one. Men said they just didn’t chose to get one. Women said they wanted more degrees but needed financial help.

Given that across the board, women are more ‘educated’ than man, why is the ACLU objects to the gender gap: “Today, gender bias continues to create huge barriers for many women. Ongoing struggles include ensuring equal economic opportunities, educational equity, and an end to gender-base.

But it’s not about gender equity in STEM, but about enculturation. Different studies show that south east Asian women are more likely to go for STEM:  Some attribute it to education system: All students, regardless of gender, are required to study science. In the West, mostly due to the emphasis on choice, women choose not to study science

The college majors that pay the most right after college  are STEM-based. Except for a BS In Race Hustling –  Race Hustling is the highest paid degree: The University of Michigan has 163 DEI officers. Ohio State & U of Virginia have 94. Georgia Tech has 41, but only 13 history teachers. The Highest-paid diversity and inclusion employees rake in substantially more than the average full-time professor! While the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill offers Racially Exclusive-Programs and Scholarships.
Woke Massachusetts school district  pulls advanced math for being too White and Asian, and people are enraged

Kansas State University (KSU) was hit with a civil rights complaint for a scholarship program that discriminates based on race, designed for African American, American Indian, Asian American, and Latinx American heritage.

Florida State University professor abruptly left his $190K job after faking data to make racism seem more common & having six research papers retracted. Florida university fires professor Eric Steward  over dubious racial bias studies, damage to school may be ‘catastrophic’

Even as the University Of Minnesota  PhD’s were forced to retract an article they wrote about “structural racism in the Journal Of Health Services Research – The authors,  UM employees are focused on racial equity: Stuart Grande,  senior Lecturer, Janette Dill,  an associate professor, and Tongtan Chantarat,  a research scientist. The retraction is because its claims were “inaccurate, misleading, or false,” according to a note on the withdrawn article. 

Not to be undone,  Target’s diversity Chief Kiera Fernandez said that it’s the role of white women to call out transgressions, and continued to single out a white employee and said that because of her race her voice carries more weight and she has a responsibility. She runs Targets Racial Equity Action and Change. Her task force focuses on engaging with black customers and hiring more black employees. Target is also shifting to more black owned suppliers and ending contracts with white owned companies. She was hired internally from the Human Resources department.

Sherri Ann Charleston Harvard chief DEI officer accused of 40 counts of plagiarism, including lifting from her own husband: report – It’s the law: “Where you find one, you are bound to find many more” – Juran on Quality Assurance

Yet,  A study has shown how Black DEI professionals get the short end of the stick. According to a report from Zippia, 76.1% of chief diversity officer roles are held by white employees while 3.8% are held by Black employees.

A degree that’s worth less than a Zimbabwe Dollar 

In 2021–22, 2.0 million associate’s degrees were conferred by postsecondary institutions within the United States.

Of the 2.0 million bachelor’s degrees conferred in 2021–22, some 58 percent were concentrated in six fields of study: business (375,400 degrees); health professions and related programs (263,800 degrees); social sciences and history (151,100 degrees); biological and biomedical sciences (131,500 degrees); psychology (129,600 degrees); and engineering (123,000 degrees

In 2021-2022, area, ethnic, culture, & gender studies was the 30th most popular major nationwide with 15,615 degrees

Yet Bernie Sanders and Democrats continue to do the same thing over and over again: Sanders’ Triple Idiocy: Minimum Wage, Hairbrained College Push, Cancel Student Debt.

It’s not the Gender Gap, it’s not Racism, it’s Divergent Thinking

In the age of artificial intelligence we are surrounded by The Great Gatsby Curve: Rachel Kushner’s piece in the New York Times titled I Kept Failing to Learn French attributes the Great Gatsby Curve of polyglots to luck. Not hard work. As in ‘the harder I work, the luckier I get.” “Every true polyglot I’ve known either had foreign languages at home or went to fancy schools or otherwise had access to learn them from a young age, They weren’t morally superior, just luckier,” she writes.

Then, speaker after speaker at the Democratic National Convention blamed the Great Gatsby Curve on racism, as exemplified by the Washington Post‘s reporting: “With six words, Michelle Obama rewires America’s conversation on race. Most of us, Michelle Obama said, “will never benefit from the affirmative action of affirmative of generational wealth.”

Pew Research blames the Great Gatsby Curve on a number of factors, including “technological change, globalization, the decline of unions and the eroding value of the minimum wage.”

But the root cause of the Great Gatsby Curve or The “Academic Great Gatsby Curve” in Philosophy is Insanity, not racismtechnological change or minimum wage. We call this Insanity or The Great Whacky Curve, Divergent Thinking Defficiency.

The poor state of the education system

The  AntiSemite,  AntiCatholic NYT would object, to the use of the Bible in school as it is Anti-ERCT. After all, teaching children twerking is more important than teaching them  about wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety,  fear of the Lord., charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control

According to EdSource many middle school students struggle to read well, study shows. New research reveals that many middle school students hit a “decoding threshold,” the 74 reported. More than 20% of students in fifth through seventh-grade trip over words they don’t recognize and can’t sound out.

Most High School Students are not academically prepared for college.  Students’ college readiness has reached historic lows, according to several metrics—including the lowest scores in 30 years on the ACT and declining scores on the SAT, the two primary standardized tests used for college admissions. Students at elite colleges can’t read books.

The Inverse Relationship between ‘education’ and common sense/wisdom

Paraphrasing Nikita Khrushchev: We will convert America’s infidels, without firing a single firing single shot into Socialists or Communists.

A cursory scan of reports covering the education industrial complex, one would think that getting the “Most Educated State” title, is as valuable as getting the Pulitzer Prize for Fake News. But it’s more like a race to the buttom

According to WalletHub financial writer Adam McCann in a July 2 article titled “Most & Least Educated Cities in America” (2024,) Ann Arbor, Michigan, was No. 1 on WalletHub’s list of most educated metropolitan areas with an overall score of 93.7 out 100.

Meanwhile, Newsweek’s Joe Edwards reports that Washington state has not only seen the biggest influx of college-educated Americans, but Seattle is the least-religious large metro area. In addition. Washington not only has several student loan forgiveness programs that are specific to just the State of Washington, but residents can also qualify for various Federal student loan forgiveness programs. Consistent with the Law of Bilk; Residents who want to bilk the system go where they are welcomed and stay where they are protected and well treated. Soon, passing the bar exam will no longer be a requirement for becoming a lawyer in Washington.

OnFocus‘ David Keech reports that A new study has found that Massachusetts is the most educated state in America, based on the percentage of the population that holds a bachelor’s degree or higher. “Massachusetts is the most educated state in America, with 46.6% of its population aged 25 years and above having at least a bachelor’s degree, “

Recently an influential committee of the UC Academic Senate couldn’t agree on how much math to take to qualify to attend a four-year California State University.

But the good news is that Sixteen and 17-year-olds in California will be able to vote for the school board by mail and in person in November. While most California high school seniors don’t meet requirements to apply to UCs or CSUs. Gavin Newsom and lawmakers think students are too stupid to figure out which college courses to take to transfer to the University of California, so they make it easier with AB1291.

Educated, Indoctrinated or Degree Holder?

So why not let the blinder lead the blind? Is it any wonder California ranks around 40 in academic performance?

The same people say the California University System is not good enough for Black Students. Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill that grants community college students who transfer to historically Black colleges and universities a one-time grant of up to $5,000

So, why is it that trade school is not normalized? Sir Ken Robinson, for example, argues that our current educational systems are still based on a industrial paradigm of education – education is increasingly standardised and about conformity, and kids, who are living in the most stimulating age in history, fail to see the point of going to school, which is about ‘finding the right answers to pass the tests’ rather than about stimulating divergent thinking

Ironically, the most in-demand jobs in the next decade do not require a college degree.

The cost of being ‘educated

Debt between majors varies greatly, at the Bachelor’s degree level. The major with the largest median debt for a Bachelor’s degree is Behavioral Sciences at $42,822. The major with the smallest median debt for a Bachelor’s degree is Science Technologies/Technicians, General, at $9,529.

Then there’s is the $1.8 trillion student loan debt,
after the trade school option was stigmatized, and trillions more on useless degrees. That the US Education system  is broken is a well-accepted premise. Even so, Bernie Sanders and Democrats continue to push Sandes’ Triple Idiocy: Minimum Wage, Hairbrained College Push, Cancel Student Debt.


The 2024 political divide, with the exception of abortion is not about ideology or gender.  After all, the gender gap is the education gap.  The education gap is about choice. For Men is a my brain, my wallet, my choice.

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