OpinionScience, Technology, and Social Media

X (Twitter) Censorship of Conservatives Continues Unabated This Election Year  

If you thought that Twitter’s censorship of conservatives ended when Elon Musk purchased it in order to return it to a “free speech” platform, you would be much mistaken.  I recently created a Twitter account because my former account was cancelled a few months ago after I posted some published conservative articles, including some my own, on it.   After I created a new one a few weeks ago in my real name, I posted another conservative article and was immediately informed that my account had been red-flagged (meaning that my posts would receive less distribution).  We certainly cannot have the peasants reading conservative articles in an election year.  More recently, I posted the Oct. 13, 2024 video of Life, Liberty and Levin on a “mainstream news” media Twitter page and was immediately informed that I had again been “red-flagged” due to “suspicious activity” on my account.  

            But first, a bit of context.  I was kicked off Facebook (Meta) just before the 2022 election for posting conservative articles there and soon thereafter published an article about FB’s Kafkaesque “community standards”.  Since I had done nothing wrong, I posted that article on Zuckerberg’s Twitter page inviting him, or more likely one of his servants, to meet me in a public forum and state what, specifically, I had done to justify being cancelled.   It has to be in public because I am not interested in playing children’s games with these people in the dark.  Needless to say, Zuck did not reply.  I never said he was that stupid.

            A few months ago, I successfully reapplied to FB.  However, after posting a few conservative articles again, I was quickly booted again, this time, according to FB, because it suspected that I had violated its “Community Standards on account integrity and authentic identity,” which is odd since, as in 2022, I had used my real name and contact information.  I also published an article about that recent silliness. 

            A few weeks ago, after creating a new Twitter account, I posted a few conservative articles, including this one of my own, on Twitter and was quickly kicked off.  I had not threatened anybody or stated any obvious misinformation.  But here is the very strange twist.  My wife’s Facebook was cancelled at the same time (although she did get it back later).  All the e-mail addresses on my PC were cancelled at the same time although I did manage to get most (not all) of them back later.  My LinkedIn account was cancelled at the same time.  And my youtube.com account was not cancelled but was altered somehow at the same time to make it harder to use.  Think about that for a moment!  Who could do all that in one stroke? 

            After these sorry events, I was recently red-flagged on Twitter for the “suspicious activity” of posting that video of Mark Levin’s Life, Liberty and Levin (I believe it was on comrade Tapper’s Twitter page).  I have no idea how that could be viewed as “suspicious activity” (except perhaps in the old Soviet Union, one of Kafka’s novels or on Facebook).   So let us take a look at what is on Twitter right now (and for my records I did cut and paste all of these comments into a Word file with the Twitter user names.  The name of a so-called “journalist” who posted a remark is provided but the names of private persons not).

Referring to MAGA one says: “Rapist of 13-year-old virgins at his pal Epstein’s #SexTrafficking underage girl parties says what?”

There’s only one level of Donald dumbass Trump that’s con man crook narcissistic pathological liar insurrectionist treasonous moron convicted felon & rapist who lets his alligator mouth overload his hummingbird ass

Nancy Mace … says she’s voting for Trump because “as a woman, I want to vote for someone who will protect women like me who are survivors of rape” (Trump is an adjudicated rapist)

Another, referring to Trump’s alleged dementia, says: “I can’t believe y’all allowed trump! fuck him.”

Trump is trying to become our Fascist Dictator … forever. LIAR/TRAITOR/FELON/FRAUD/RAPIST/RACIST.

Marla Maples knows what Donald Trump is like. Ivanka and Alina Habba must know too. E. Jean Carroll’s rapist desperately goes to kiss Melania Trump, but she turns away, says “Stop!”, and edges away. 

            Twitter [post] today “kid uses n-word willfully and egregiously and records himself doing so but since he can’t go to Harvard we should feel bad for him.” Lemme say on behalf my entire black American lineage…LOL. Suck a dick.

Trump is holding a rally at Madison Square Garden, intentionally mirroring the 20,000 person Nazi rally held in 1939 by the German-American Bund. They also claimed to be “America First.” @TheGarden should be ASHAMED.

Outside of Trump being a lying racist rapist dangerous insurrectionist crooked White Supremacist traitor felon. DONALD J.TRUMP HAS A HEALTH PROBLEM

Since Trump promised a unified Reich i.e. 4th Reich any Jew voting for this raging anti-Semite with his own personal Goebbels in Musk is insane.

Fuck Trump. Fuck MAGA. Fuck Musk. Vote Harris

Brian Stelter

Everyone who paid attention in high school history class knows Trump‘s anti-immigration language is [that] of fascists and white supremacists throughout history.

            The above represents a few seconds searching on Twitter.

            Now, a modicum of fact-checking:

First, Trump is not an “adjudicated rapist” or a convicted felon.  Sorry, but one needs to know a bit about the law, not just watch vacant talking-heads on CNN or MSNBC.

            Second, Snopes concludes that the accusations that Trump raped a 13-year-old girl are “Unsubstantiated Allegations” that “Originated with ‘Jerry Springer’ Producer.”

Third, here is how Snopes, fact-checks the claims about Trump’s “America First” slogan,

President Wilson ran on an “America first” platform in 1916 … to remind voters his isolationist stance kept U.S. troops out of [WWI].  Presidents Coolidge, Harding, and McKinley all used [it] … to promote isolationist and/or protectionist foreign policies (McKinley touted [it in] 1896).  Although it has been trumpeted over time by hate groups [like] the Klan, its use does not automatically confer [those] heinous attitudes on the user. 

President’s Harding, Coolidge, McKinley and Wilson were all a tad earlier than Hitler.

Fourth, I opine that Stelter could not pass a community college critical reasoning course.

Apparently, all those vile false smears on Twitter are fine with Twitter censors but a video of Temple University J.D. Mark Levin’s rational argument is beyond the pale. 

Posting a video of Mark Levin’s Life, Liberty and Levin on Twitter is “suspicious activity”?   That says it all about these people. 

            My offer to meet any of these social media executives in a public social media forum, the condition being that they must tell me specifically, in front of everybody, what I did to get booted from their platforms, still stands.  Then I will ask them some questions

Americans are still being cheated by un-American “social media” censorship, even on Musk’s Twitter.  I do not believe Musk would approve of this Twitter censorship but he obviously had to turn the day-to-day decisions over to 3rd stringers, maybe 7th stringers.  He might, however, want to try to find an adult over there, if any are left, and, for the good of the country, instruct them to stop the frightened infantile censorship nonsense.

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Richard McDonough

Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgenstein’s logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi.

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