The Totalitarian Left’s Opposition to American Freedom
Free speech is a human right. The free expression of thought is the very essence of being human. The United States was founded on this premise. … Yet there is a systemic effort to bar opposing viewpoints … from racial discrimination to police abuse, from climate change to gender equity. Today … these measures are reinforced by … flash mobs [that] appear with the slightest provocation [to] lash out against anyone that [disagrees with them].
GWU Law Professor Constitutional Scholar Jonathan Turley, The Indispensable Right. Free Speech in an Age of Rage, June, 2024
[F]or [supporters of the 1st amendment], the prospect of a Harris-Walz administration is chilling. Where President Biden was viewed as supporting censorship out of political opportunism, Harris and Walz are viewed as true believers. … [This is] the most dangerous anti-free speech movement in American history. We have never before faced the current alliance of government, corporate, academic and media forces aligned against free speech. A Harris-Walz administration with a supportive Congress could dispense [with it].
Jonathan Turley, Oct. 4, 2024
Leftists are becoming increasingly totalitarian in their antipathy for freedom of speech. It’s an obstacle to their desire for power, so it must be crushed.
Daily Signal, Oct. 5, 2024
Free speech is the bedrock of Democracy! There’s a reason why it’s the 1st Amendment! The 2nd amendment is there to ensure we have the First Amendment!
Elon Musk, Trump’s Butler Rally, Oct. 5, 2024
One of the more comical aspects of Kamala Harris’ vacant presidential “campaign” is her claim that the Democrats are the “Party of Freedom,” saying, “We choose freedom. The freedom not just to get by, but to get ahead. The freedom to be safe from gun violence. The freedom to make decisions about your own body.”
Nothing could be further from the truth. The Democrats are the Party of tyranny. Kamala’s “arguments” for her position are sophomoric non sequitur fallacies (claims not logically related to anything previously said).
Her claim that she supports “the freedom not just to get by but to get ahead” is a meaningless platitude. Please tell us who doesn’t support the freedom to get ahead! In fact, the Biden-Harris Party, whose profligate spending on a plethora of extremist left-wing causes generated the highest inflation in 40 years, has destroyed the ability of poor people to “get ahead” most of all. Under Biden-Harris, the poor were not even “getting by”. They were trying to put a meal on the table.
The Democrat’s standard response that inflation has come down proves nothing. At 2.53%, it is still almost double the 1.4% when Trump left office. Even that, however, is misleading because by 2024, the inflation rate for “essentials”, groceries, gas, etc., was “18%-26% more expensive in urban areas [where most poor people live] than in rural areas.” The prices of certain items is massively higher: Eggs up over 19%, frankfurters up 8.5%, baby formula up 4.6%, vehicle insurance up over 18%, care of invalids/elderly up 9.8%, rent up 5.1%, etc. How does that help people “get ahead”? Marjorie Taylor Green: “Kamala Harris is VP RIGHT NOW. People can’t afford anything RIGHT NOW.”
Kamala’s claim that her campaign is about “freedom from gun violence” is comical. Despite the best efforts of the “news” media to conceal this fact, violence has exploded under the Biden-Harris administration’s “soft on crime” policies. So, how does Harris plan to create freedom from gun violence? She has supported gun control and championed a mandatory gun buy-back system. But those policies mean LESS FREEDOM for gun owners. Admittedly, that might mean MORE FREEDOM FOR CRIMINALS who will no longer have to worry as much about an armed citizenry that can protect itself from all the crime and violence Biden-Harris has released into their communities. No wonder “most Republicans opposing felons voting and [most] Democrats … back the … rehabilitation [of felons]”
By “the freedom to make decisions about your own body” Democrats mean the right to have abortions, that is, to kill the “child” (Joe Biden’s word). That doesn’t sound very free for “the child,” now does it! Nor does it sound very free for the pregnant woman who doesn’t want an abortion but is pressured by a partner into it because the law allows it. “Hidden Epidemic: Nearly 70% of Abortions Are Coerced, Unwanted or Inconsistent With Women’s Preferences.” Where’s the freedom there comrade Kamala?
However, Kamala’s assumption that the foetus is part of the woman’s own body “begs the fundamental question” (i.e., assumes what it purports to prove). Is the developing “child” part of the woman’s body or is it a separate body developing within the woman’s body. Many appeal to the “fetal viability” criterion, i.e., at about 22 weeks (about 7 months) the “child” can survive outside the woman’s body. Abortion does not provide any freedom for that survivable “child,” now does it? Kamala, by her question-begging demagoguery, avoids the fundamental question whether the “child” has its own right to be free! Does Kamala even think about “the child” anymore?
Finally, Democrats oppose the most fundamental freedom of all, the freedom of speech. $250 million dollar Democrat John Kerry, whose grasp on reality (and decency) is exposed in his jokes about assassinating George Bush and about Dan Quayle being shot, argues that one must “curb” certain news entities
in order to guarantee … some accountability on facts, etc. But if people only go to one source [which] is … putting out disinformation, our First Amendment [prevents being] able to … hammer it out of existence.
Unfortunately, Kerry doesn’t understand that the difficult question is, “Who determines what is disinformation?” If Democrats determine the truth, then Reagan was a bad president, but if Republicans determine it then Reagan was great. Since this kind of impasse is unavoidable on most contentious political issues, a method had to be found that makes it most likely that one can arrive at the truth in a civilized non-violent way. The 1st Amendment allows each side freely to make their case and let the voters (remember them?) decide which side is right. This system may not be perfect, but, since 1776, it has propelled the United States to unprecedented wealth and power. No wonder Democrats want to get rid of it!
Kerry’s argument that curtailing the 1st Amendment would be better because many citizens only go to one source, e.g., Foxnews, is especially comical. Getting rid of the 1st Amendment would ensure there is ultimately only one source, the government, for information. Welcome to North Korea!
$120 million dollars Democrat Hillary Clinton says the quiet part out loud, that with the 1st Amendment she and the elites will “lose control”. Stalin and Mao would agree with her. Hillary’s silly arguments that free speech allows violent threats and child porn can easily outlawed with special legislation to prevent those evils that have nothing to do with most political disagreements. And Hillary has a J.D?
The Democrat Party is the Party of tyranny, not freedom. They claim the mantle of freedom as an Orwellian disguise. Harris and the Democrats have mobilized a bunch of silly arguments and hoaxes to deceive the people into giving up their freedom to the elites.
Former Democrat RFK, Jr, son of his assassinated father, RFK, nephew of his assassinated uncle, JFK: “Vote for Trump!”
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Thanks for this article which clearly reveals that the Dems and Kamala-Kamala in particular want to dilute or take away free speech from our society. Only what the government would deem to be legitimate speech would be considered “free.” I would put it another way: Kamala and the Dems are in favor of tyranny.
As always you hit the nail on the head. Everyone should circulate this article to all of their friends.