
The Democrat Party’s Hypocritical Deliberate Hate Strategy

The only garbage I see floating out there is his [Trump’s] supporters. His demonization of Latinos is unconscionable and un-American.

Democrat Joe Biden, Oct. 29, 2024

We know Trump [intends] more chaos, more division, and policies that help those in the very top and hurt everyone else.  I offer a different path.  I don’t believe people who disagree with me are the enemy.  He wants to put them in jail.  I’ll give them a seat at the table.  We have to stop pointing fingers and start locking arms.  It is time to turn the page on the drama, conflict, fear and division, time for a new generation of leadership in America.

Democrat presidential candidate 2024, Kamala Harris, Oct. 27, 2024

Yes, I do [think Donald Trump is a fascist].

Kamala Harris’ response to CNN’s Anderson Cooper’s question whether Trump is a fascist, Oct. 22, 2024

You could put half of Trump’s supporters in what I call the “basket of deplorables”.   [Trump’s supporters are] racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.

Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Sept. 10, 2016

In 2016, I famously described half of Trump’s supporters as ‘the basket of deplorables.’ I was talking about the people drawn to his racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia, you name it. The people for whom his bigotry is a feature, not a bug. It was an unfortunate choice of words and bad politics, but it also [hit] an important truth. Just look at everything that happened in the years since, from Charlottesville to Jan. 6. … If anything, ‘deplorable’ is too kind a word for the hate and violent extremism we’ve seen from some Trump supporters.

Hillary Clinton, Sept. 26, 2024

You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone for 25 years … And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them …

Democrat President Barak Obama, Sept. 11, 2008 

The close focus of the camera …made it look as though [Biden] were delivering his [2022 SOTU] speech from the gates of hell, a mood only accentuated by the darker moments of his text. … [Biden] flashed anger as he denounced Maga Republicans who “embrace anger”, “thrive on chaos” and “live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies”. … Biden’s WH press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters Biden’s speech was not going to be political. … But it was decidedly political.

BBC report, President SOTU Speech, Sept. 2, 2022            

One of the storylines concocted by the Democrat “News”-media Colluders (or DNC) is that Donald Trump and his “chaotic” “divisive” “deplorable” “garbage” “lying” “shadow”-dwelling supporters are divisive while the Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Democrats are joyful darlings that “live in the light of truth.”  The facts tell quite a different story.

The tradition goes way back (e.g., Democrats describing Goldwater, Reagan, McCain, even RINO weakling Mitt Romney and other Republicans as “Hitler”) but we begin here with Hillary Clinton’s 2016 remark that at least half of Trump’s supporters belong in a “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it … basket of deplorables.”  Note that Hillary did not just call Trump a “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic [etc.,] … deplorable” but at least half of his supporters (roughly half of America).  Notice how easily the long incomplete (“you name it”) string of smears rolls off her tongue, “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it”.  So, half of Trump’s supporters are all those things?  Has she interviewed all of them?  Of course not.  Saint Hillary is in the DNC’s default hate-mode, not the “light of truth”-mode.  It is her prejudices that are featured in her divisive smear.  She did once pretend to apologize for the “deplorables” remark but later doubled down and, citing the Democrat’s divisive Charlottesville lie about Trump exposed by Snopes, added that her “deplorables” smear “got at an important truth”.  She had actually been being “too kind” to Trump peasants by calling them “deplorables”. What precisely is that important truth about half the Americans, Hillary?  Please be specific! 

The Messiah Himself, Barak Obama, was not content to criticize poor people in small towns in Pennsylvania and the Midwest that don’t live in Martha’s Vinyard, but somehow knows that they cling to their “guns and religion” because the jobs are gone?  How does he know that they don’t “cling” to their guns because of this thing called the “2nd amendment”?  How does he know why they “cling” to religion?   Maybe it is something in their hearts? And what is wrong with religion exactly?  Isn’t religion something one is supposed to “cling” to?  Didn’t Jesus “cling” to his religion?  And maybe the peasants are “bitter” because they can’t put a sandwich and an apple on the table for their children?  Needless to say, the Messiah, given his greatness, did not feel compelled to explain his smears of the peasants. 

The “joyful” Kamala Harris, even more comical than the aforementioned, can actually say with a straight face that Trump is a fascist but immediately thereafter that he is the one that is divisive.  She can say with a straight face that Trump wants to put his political opponents in jail when the Biden-Harris administration has jailed many Trump associates, 74-year-old Trump advisor Roger Stone arrested in his slippers by what’s left of the FBI with assault weapons pointed at him, National Security advisor Michael Flynn, Trump attorney Michael Cohen, Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg, Deputy Chairman Trump campaign Rick Gates, Trump advisor George Papadopoulos, Trump ally Steve Bannon, Trump WH advisor Peter Navarro and others in jail.  And the Biden-Harris administration has been trying to put Trump supporter Rudy Giuliani and, in a series of farcical indictments that have all collapsed, put Trump himself in jail.  Is Kamala’s memory as bad as her capacity to answer a question?  Does she think the peasants are stupid? 

After recently called Trump supporters garbage, Biden immediately tried to walk that back, claiming that he was not talking about Trump’s supporters but only about that one person who made a joke about Puerto Rico being an island of floating of garbage.  Unfortunately, even CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, not a Trump fan, isn’t buying it, saying, “It’s hard to really look at that when you can listen to it for yourself.”  And that is correct.  Had Biden wanted to target that one offensive person he need only have said, “The only garbage I see floating out there is that Trump supporter demonizing Latinos”.  Instead, he compares the alleged Trump garbage to an island of 3 million people, Puerto Rico.  It only makes sense, therefore, that he is advancing a floating “basket of deplorables” smear of the MAGA people (who “embrace anger” and “live in the shadow of lies”), he has smeared so often in the past.

The Democrats, Hillary’s, Biden’s, Kamala’s, absurd, usually inaccurate, hateful comments are a deliberate part of the Democrat’s election strategy.  Since the Biden-Harris administration has been a disaster in so many ways, they have to convince the voters that their opponent is Hitler or a fascist.  In fact, the fascist shoe, censoring one’s opponents, trying to put them in prison, irrational rage, etc., is on the Democrat Party’s feet.

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Richard McDonough

Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgenstein’s logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi.

Published by
Richard McDonough

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