Editorial CartoonsFeatured
Florida Needs Prayers – and Hands
Clasping your hands and speaking with God is an important action in times such as these, but it is also important to remember that those hands that God made were made to do work. Find a way to help.
- Donate clothes, canned goods, water, or money (Samaritan’s Purse is our favorite)
- If you are close, get down there (after the storm passes) and offer to help clean up, deliver supplies… whatever – don’t just go to gawk at the damage.
- Do it your own way – come up with your own idea to help those who suffered because of the storm
Commentary by Editor-in-Chief R. Mitchell. Editorial cartoon by Tom Stiglich (@TStig822).
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Audits needed
It’s been established an confirmed there has been over a billion dollars at least spent on illegals, everyone is in agreement the money was alt-routed form Home Land Security / FEMA without the approval of Congress or any tax payers, money taken that from Congress approved uses and Tax payers now being used for non approved uses to benefit illegals invading our Country. Not only is this taxation without due representation but it’s against the tax laws. Who authorized this mis-use of your tax dollars and when will the over- sight audits an IRS audits begin? Did the illegals have to pay taxes who this money/income? How was the money given to the illegals and who has the records? This is a crime against every tax payer in the United States and audits should begin at once, If Congress authorized money for one purpose and it was not used for that purpose this is a crime. Ask yourself where did the billion dollars come from? and what is your government doing to protect Congressional Approved use of your tax dollars? How did this tax bluder begin and who is at fault?