
We Are Different, and the Left Keeps Attacking Us For It

The Left loves to point fingers at Conservatives, calling us weird and blaming us for the division in America. They love to say we are a threat to Democracy and that Donald Trump is an existential threat. They love that word, existential, though I guarantee few on the Left can define it, but Trump is the man who has survived two assassination attempts in the last two months. Has there been an attempt on Biden or Kamala? Of course not. They have complete protection from the Secret Service, but when it comes to protecting Donald Trump, former President and Presidential Candidate, the Secret Service has a staffing shortage. We are hiring thousands of agents for the IRS, but the Secret Service remains understaffed-we have a priority issue.

This Democrat finger-pointing has to be turned back on them. The Democrats need to be exposed as the party of hate and fear. The rhetoric from every level of the Leftist Party must be turned down. The calls of MAGA Republicans being members of a cult and comparisons of Trump to Nazis are inciting these radical, deranged, indoctrinated young Democrats to action, and they are taking aim at our candidate.

Maxine Waters called on Democrats to call out Republicans at restaurants, shopping centers, and gas stations. Did she think they would call out Republicans for a debate or confrontation? It was Rand Paul who was attacked and had multiple ribs broken in his front yard. It was Steve Scalise who was nearly killed by gunshots from a Radical Lefty while he was practicing for the Congressional Baseball game. It was Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders when she was Press Secretary for Donald Trump, who was forced, along with her family, from a D.C. restaurant by a crowd of Democrat radicals who were influenced by Maxine Waters.

So Kamala Harris and Tim Walz send out a memo to all their surrogates and media, and in a 24-hour news cycle, every one of them called Republicans weird. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Sandy Cortez, all of whom have the Radical Left on speed dial, refer to Trump as an existential threat in three-part harmony. They lie about the 2025 Project and accuse Trump of supporting a National  Ban on Abortion, knowing they are lies. Lies are the lifeblood of Democrats, and they control the supply.

We can joke about this, but it is far too serious. These Democrats who want Americans to give them the key to the White House are the masters of projection. Projection with collusion with the media is a perilous elixir and far more existential to Democracy than the truth that emanates from Trump during one of his rallies in a capacity-filled venue. It has been proven incessantly during his four years as President and his campaign to regain that role that every topic the Left categorized as conspiratory that Trump was correct. This angers Trump’s opposition, and their way of retribution is to lash out, incite their fringe, and place the former President in the proverbial bullseye.

Content syndicated from Conservative View from New Hampshire with permission

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Ray Cardello

As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Conservative View from New Hampshire is Ray’s second blog and podcast effort in 20 years. He has published over 1,000 articles since January 2021, is syndicated on 15 websites, and is published on over 65 sites. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media. Ray claims there will be much to discuss as we move forward and his blog will not focus strictly on Washington but will also delve into State and Local issues as well. There is so much going on and so little factual sources of information to rely on.

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One Comment

  1. Great article. These stories need to reach the undecideds before the cross-eyed and crazy left gets them indoctrinated…

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