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The Democrats, the Media and Would-be Trump Assassin Ryan Routh

Donald Trump, Enemy of Democracy.

New York Times, Oct. 21, 2016

Democracy itself is on the ballot.

President Joe Biden, PBS, Sept 23, 2022

Make no mistake, our democracy is on the ballot.

Barak Obama, Nov. 5, 2022

With democracy on the ballot, the mainstream media [cannot be] non-partisan.

The Guardian, Sept. 15, 2023

Democracy is on the ballot in November.

VP Kamala Harris, July 3, 2024

2024 brings wave of elections with global democracy on the ballot.

The Washington Post, July 3, 2024

Harris shouldn’t forget that democracy is on the ballot.

New York Times, Aug. 14, 2024

Democracy is on the ballot this year and we cannot lose.

Would-be Trump assassin, Ryan Routh social media, New York Post and Skynews, Sept. 15-16, 2024

[Trump] cannot see public office again. … [H]e … has to be eliminated [to protect democracy].

Dan Goldman (Rep. D-NY), Nov. 21, 2023

The [man detained for the attempted assassination of Donald Trump], Ryan Routh, once praised [NBC’s Lester] Holt … for his “editorial closing”. 

New York Post, Sept. 16, 2024

NBC News host [Lester Holt] seemingly blames Trump for second assassination attempt [saying Trump’s] rhetoric [is responsible].

Skynews, Sept. 16, 2024

In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defence of the indefensible.

George Orwell, “Politics and the English Language,” 1946

Donald Trump was targeted by a shooter for the second time in two months, and, somehow, the former president is the one being blamed for it.

National Review, Sept 16, 2024

One of the storylines the Democrat “News”-media Collusion-team (hereafter the DNC) has put together to keep itself in money and retain the power to push innocent people around is that the election of Donald Trump means the end of democracy in the US.  The DNC is using this storyline to “justify” the plethora of anti-democratic measures they have taken since Trump was elected in 2016 to destroy him.  We leave aside the Trump-Russia collusion hoax paid for by Saint Hillary and the Democratic National Committee, and all the other hoaxes, fake impeachments,  fake insurrection charges, fake indictments, fake lawsuits and efforts to keep Republicans or Trump off the ballot that the DNC has visited upon the American people since 2016 to cheat them out of fair democratic elections. 

The first anti-democratic scheme they foisted on the American people in 2024 was the rigged primary that pushed out all of Biden’s rivals, e.g., RFK, Jr., for the nomination in order to coronate Joe Biden as the 2024 nominee.  Since the DNC and comrade Kamala Harris knew Joe was cognitively deficient, and often could not even speak a coherent sentence, they rigged the process so that their weak submissive puppet was installed as the nominee again.

 Unfortunately, as Robert Burns’ famous saying suggests (“the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry”), this anti-democratic con was exposed when, in the first 2024 presidential debate between Biden and Trump, Biden’s cognitive deficiency became undeniable.  This required the an entirely new anti-democratic con for the campaign.  Accordingly, the DNC coronated VP Kamala Harris, without her having received a single vote from any of the peasants in a democratic primary, as the newly installed 2024 Democrat Party puppet nominee.

Since Harris is an empty suit who can read a teleprompter but not think on her feet, the DNC knew they had to keep her away for the usual essential component of the democratic process, a series of debates and interviews the peasants need in order to evaluate her as a possible president.  Apart from on pre-taped softball interview with friendly Dana Bash CNN on August 29th (and her security blanket Tim Walz by her side), approximately 56 days have gone by to this point and Harris has still not sat down for a substantive hard-hitting interview.  Take that peasants! Do you proles really think Democrat elites care about you?

By contrast, the Trump-Vance team, who are not afraid of the people that they are expected to govern, have done a plethora of no holds barred interviews over the same period.  Quite the opposite to Harris, one cannot get Trump to shut up!  And just as Harris gets softball interviews, Trump gets vicious demonstrably unfair interviews with ABC’s Rachel Scott.

That is, however, not the only anti-democratic Democrat ploy in the 2024 campaign.   Since the peasants expect that a president can debate, because he/she will have to debate President Putin, President Xi, etc., the illusion must be created that Harris can actually debate (just like a real grown-up who thinks about more than yellow school buses).  Therefore, the DNC arranged for a fake debate in which the two moderators from ABC “News” would join with Harris in a 3 against 1 “tag team” match against Trump, incorrectly fact-checking some of Trump’s remarks but failing to “fact check” Harris’ lies.  But this ploy was so obvious that the peasants actually noticed that although Harris did manage to giggle and make funny faces, she did not answer any of the questions.  As a result, Harris did not get any “bump” from her and the ABC moderators joint acting performance.  It would appear that the peasants are not quite as dumb as the DNC thinks they are.

All these attempts by the DNC to evade the democratic process with hoaxes, lawsuits, fake impeachments, unjust indictments, softball “interviews”, rigged debates, most of which has now been completely exposed, that is, all this transparent CHEATING, is quite an embarrassing for a Party whose main claim is that “democracy is on the ballot” in November.  It is, of course, exponentially more embarrassing that the most recent would-be Trump assassin, comrade Routh, was, apparently inspired by the DNC’s fake “democracy is on the ballot” slogan.  Routh is on their side.  It does seem, at least, that the weak-minded, the violent, are moved by the DNC’s transparent acting performances.

Naturally, the DNC tried to blame the latest assassination attempt on Trump, the victim, i.e., Trump’s own rhetoric inspired Routh to try to kill him.  After all, Trump has used harsh rhetoric.  Didn’t he say the New York Times is an enemy of the American people? 

First, however, the DNC simply cannot represent Trump’s words correctly.  They just make most of it up.  They are both vicious and literally silly.  Second, what they fail to acknowledge is that Trump has been targeted like no other person in recent US history.  Has the New York Times been accused of Russian collusion, two fake impeachments, indicted in multiple NYT-hating precincts, accused falsely of leading an insurrection, surrounded by armed FBI agents at their own homes, been the victim of two assassination attempts or been shot in the face, etc., etc.?   Trump could not match the DNC’s level of attack even if he wanted to.  Even lifelong leftist Joe Rogan says nobody has had as much coordinated “bullshit” thrown at them than Donald Trump. 

The real enemy of democracy is the DNC that simply must, without any capacity for self-reflection whatsoever, rig everything in its own favour.  This is why the former Democrat member of the iconic Kennedy family, RFK, Jr., son of RFK, nephew of JFK, states that the Democrats, with their censorship, weaponization of the “Justice” system, etc., is, in their slide toward tyranny, a “much worse threat to democracy” than Trump.

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Richard McDonough

Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgenstein’s logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi.

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One Comment

  1. It seems strange to say that the Democratic Party has rejected democratic values. Yet, as the author makes very clear, that is exactly the case.

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