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Speech Actually Can Be Violence When Weaponized by Democrats

Recently a talking-head on CNN calmly and illogically explained to us that the armed, violent attacks on Donald Trump were simply coming from decent people who had grown tired of Trump’s racist, violent attitude, and they were actions intended to return the nation to unity and cohesion. We were not given any examples of Trump’s racism nor his violent speech, but we know the message CNN was trying to send to its audience of fools. One needs to state that ALL of the violent words and actions are coming from the political, Democrat left, with the home of the destructive behavior being the Harris/Biden wing of the modern Democrat party. The CNN justification of armed attacks against Trump being from good people just trying to silence a racist, violent politician, is belied by the fact that a Bernie Sanders supporter shot Republican congressmen playing baseball a few years ago, and no one called Bernie a violent racist because one of his followers was a gun-wielding radical who was encouraged in his rifle attack by the Commie, Bernie Sanders.

And it must also be clearly stated that misinformation/disinformation is also violence against our nation and our constitution, and it’s all coming from Kamala Harris Democrats in various forms of lies and violence.

In 2020 the ban on using ivermectin and other existing drugs to treat covid was part of the Biden/Harris misinformation/disinformation campaign to silence Americans and choke out the truth about treating the disease and about the true danger of it. We have since learned that not only was the disease relatively weak, but there were several existing drugs available at the time that could have been used to treat those persons infected, but the Biden/Harris administration wanted the disease to be feared and to be thought of as always lethal, so they called ivermectin a health threat itself and called any proposal to use the drug as being the spread of misinformation/disinformation, and a criminal threat.

The Hunter Biden laptop discovery was covered up and called misinformation/disinformation by leftist Democrat politicians at the time, but the evidence carried on the device is now part of the DOJ’s legal case against presidential son, Hunter. So should we now all forget the Russian election tampering lie that was pushed down our throats only a couple of years ago?

Under the leadership of Kamala Harris and her administration, it seems the entire English-speaking world has taken leave of its senses and is denying the honesty and truth that had made our nations the most prosperous and freest people in history. The United States, England, Canada and Australia are all aligning themselves against Elon Musk in an attempt to bury his companies and his main products, such as “X”, because he is said to be engaged in misinformation/disinformation campaigns that Kamala Harris doesn’t like, and anyone taking Musk’s side of any subject must be silenced, along with him.

Leftists burned cities from Seattle to Baltimore all summer in 2020. The Nashville, trans school shooter just wanted to shoot children in a Christian school, killing many children and one teacher. But these examples of blatant violence by leftists are overlooked by the political left, who save accusations of violence for Trump and his MAGA supporters.

And radical environmentalism has taken a violent turn under Kamala Harris, with her Green New Deal legislation that has directly caused crime, hunger and homelessness, due to the extreme inflation her policies have caused, hurting middle class workers the hardest.

The horrible truth of the matter is that Democrats calling Trump a racist and violent person gives crazy left-leaning persons justification, in their demented minds, to try to attack him. One could easily determine that this vilification of candidate Trump by Democrats is just election interference, and if Trump is re-elected in November, these crazy Democrats are likely to start rioting like they did in 2020, and to try to kill Trump again; and given the recently seen weakness of the Secret Service and their inability to protect candidate Trump, future attacks may well be successful. Our nation is nearly at an end if the government doesn’t act honestly and protect our leaders and stop lying about their actions. But Democrats are so frightened that Trump will become president again and expose their unconstitutional policies and actions, that they are willing, at the very least, to see Trump killed by one of their nut-job followers.

The oddity of the current political situation is that, whether or not it’s a phony legal charge, or a news report calling Trump’s statements to be misinformation/disinformation, or politicians being shot at and indicted for multiple trumped-up crimes, it’s always Republicans, and especially Donald Trump, who are being falsely charged, silenced and shot at, and not Democrats. And always the beneficiary of these un-American events is Kamala Harris and her political ambitions.

The very definition of the political left is that they are emotionally unstable people who resort to violence to get their way, and when you have political leaders who believe that they have a right to rule the nation, and will try any trick and tell any lie to acquire that ruling power, a powder keg is being exposed to fire, which may well explode.

Be very afraid of Democrats and Kamala Harris these next few months leading up to the election, and even more especially, fear them during the two-plus months following the election that lead to the swearing-in ceremony for the new president. If Trump is re-elected in November, all hell will break out from the political left Democrats.

The very fact that there has been no rioting by Republicans against the Harris/Biden administration as they opened the southern border; and as they caused run-away inflation; and because of their anti-Israel sentiments, is proof that conservative people are reasonable, unemotional people who want to allow elections to make changes in government. So the Democrat claim that Republicans are trying to destroy elections in America is a total lie, and everyone knows it.

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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