Editorial Cartoons


Based on Trump’s last four years as president, most people with any common sense know that he will again prioritize American interests first. Kamala, on the other hand, will prioritize stopping him from doing that at all costs, along with the deep state and the Democrats.

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A.F. Branco

Political cartoonist extraordinaire! Readers will now be able to enjoy his razor-sharp political humor on a regular basis.

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One Comment

  1. New broom needed for America
    Democracy is form government by which “the people rule” passed down by the Greeks to modern day. This is why we do not have Kings, Dictatorship, or War lords. The Democrats have abused this meaning since Biden and Harris have been in office, by refusing to honor oaths of office, protect our sovereignty, respect our Constitution, follow our laws, they have broken their sworn office oaths. Another misused meaning and word by the Democrats are the words “existential threat” when referring to Trump, the word existential is just philosophy in action ,or what one believes, because Trump does believe in protecting our Nation, it’s borders, our people, this is what the Democrats consider a threat to their existence. Time to change get corrupt democrats out of office and return America to Americans. The last four years have been one of China first policy which has enriched Russia, Iran and China, clean sweep of the swamp will return our Country to it’s greatness.

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