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No End in Sight for Great Reader Tips

Once a week I worry that after all these years my faithful readers will simply run out of ideas. New and clever tips, tricks and clever hints will fade into extinction. But every week I get to put my worries to rest. Just look at all the great tips that recently showed up in my inbox.


If you ever need to transport a pie but don’t have a box, use plastic holders for paper plates. You probably have some at home; if not, hit the dollar stores. These fit a 9-inch pie tin perfectly! Place one on the top of your tin. You can even stack them up for easy transport. — Diane P.


I wait for a good sale on cheddar cheese in the 2-pound block, get my coupon and head to the store. I then go to the meat or deli department and ask them to slice it for me. They usually do it free of charge. They just need to leave the UPC code attached to the packaging so it will scan properly. — Mandy D.


Add 1 teaspoon Cascade Complete automatic dishwashing liquid or powder to a bucket of water for washing windows. You’ll avoid all those streaks! — Rima M.


I have found that using my salad spinner to distribute dressing evenly all over my salad means that I use less dressing. It works great. — Selma D.


My mother carries a list in her wallet of all the movies she’d like to see. It sure saves her a bunch of time when she’s making a quick stop at the video store and doesn’t have time to “browse” the shelves. — Jennifer W.


Sometimes when my cuticles are looking rough and I don’t have any cuticle cream handy, I just rub on a bit of ChapStick lip balm. It works great to lubricate the skin. — Leslie P.


To clean my glass coffee pot, I add a few drops of automatic dishwasher liquid and fill the pot up with hot water. After it soaks for a few minutes, I just give the inside a quick swish with a cloth or sponge, and all the stains are gone. No scrubbing necessary. — Loretta S.


Purchasing the smallest contact lens holder means I save money on the solution because I naturally use less. I use the free contact lens holders that come with my solution to hold and clean earrings but use the smallest lens holder I can find for my contacts. — Melanie O.


To remove scuff marks from the floor without getting down on all fours, I do what my local supermarket does and cut a small “X” in a tennis ball. Then I put it on the end of a broomstick to hold the ball in place. I use this end of the broom to rub over the marks to remove them easily and quickly. — Jeanette, L.


With three teenagers who tend to be a bit lazy at times, I couldn’t figure out why I was throwing away so many leftovers — food items I know they like. Then I realized they would actually have to open the containers to see what was there. I solved it by keeping labels by the fridge and labeling everything. No more waste. — Laurie, M.

Got a great tip you’d like to share? Send it to mailbag@everydaycheapskate.com and you just might see yourself in an upcoming column! I can’t wait to hear from you.

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Mary Hunt

Mary invites you to visit her at EverydayCheapskate.com, where this column is archived complete with links and resources for all recommended products and services. Mary invites questions and comments at https://www.everydaycheapskate.com/contact/, "Ask Mary." Tips can be submitted at tips.everydaycheapskate.com/ . This column will answer questions of general interest, but letters cannot be answered individually. Mary Hunt is the founder of EverydayCheapskate.com, a frugal living blog, and the author of the book "Debt-Proof Living."

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