Editorial Cartoons

In Loving Arms

The Star Tribune is obviously biased in favor of Kamala Harris and running mate Tim Walz in their reporting. Most, if not all, articles are primarily puff pieces. It’s quite different than the negative hit pieces they do on Trump.

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A.F. Branco

Political cartoonist extraordinaire! Readers will now be able to enjoy his razor-sharp political humor on a regular basis.

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    Harris team is trying to say she never supported electric vehicles, also her mandate to have all electric vehicles in place by 2030. This is so sick, so flip flop, so many lies, so much BS, someone needs to have mental test taken, no wonder, she does not want to answer any election vechicle questions and avoids all real question interviews. Flip flop’s have become her campaign trademark, this person should be tested for abuse of something? Can’t see one election issue she has not changed her mind on, then avoided all questions on those issues. Harris and her team, need mental health checks, much the same as Biden, continued lies, are one thing, but then respond avoidance to those lies, are another matter. Coming down to the wire the lies have increased her avoidance to answer have increased, this is not the person we want in charge, we just went through four years of that with the Biden theatrical team we don’t need the Harris taking over with more of the same BS.

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