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Facebook’s Election Year Censorship of Conservatives Again

Zuckerberg … regrets that Meta bowed to Biden-administration pressure to censor content, … certain posts about Covid-19, including humor and satire, … saying … the interference was “wrong” and he [will] push back if it happens again.

[He] also expressed regret for Meta’s downplaying … the New York Post [stories] about Hunter Biden ahead of the 2020 election that the FBI warned may have been … Russian disinformation …

Politico, 8/26/2024

Meta AI chatbot praises Kamala Harris for her ‘trailblazing leadership’ — but warns critics have called Trump ‘crude and lazy’

New York Post, Sept. 21, 2024           

It’s an election year again and the social media censorship regime is ramping up to install another vacant leftist pantsuit as president.   I was recently kicked off Facebook (Meta) on false grounds.  I was also kicked off in the run-up to the mid-term 2022 elections because of my bad habit of posting rational arguments against the adolescent sophistries that dominate FB.  See my article about FB’s “Kafkesque community standards”!

 I posted that article on Zuckerberg’s Twitter page at the time with the offer to meet him in some public forum so that he could state specifically, in front of everybody, what words or articles I posted that got me booted, not a usual vague statement that I had violated their “Community Standards.”   Unfortunately, FB prefers the “Wizard of Oz” behind the curtain approach with no accountability.  I was not naïve enough to believe that someone with the importance of all Zuckerberg’s money would actually look up my case and meet me in public to detail my alleged sins but I did have a very slight hope he would assign one of his servants to state in public the grounds for my cancellation.   After my post on Twitter, I recall getting some announcements on LinkedIn that there had been some searches for me originating at FB.

I recently decided to apply to FB again and to my surprise was readmitted.  I posted a few of conservative articles inside a private conservative group and may have posted a few on some media FB pages (maybe Tapper’s page, maybe Joy Reid’s, not sure).  I was kicked off a few days later and, surprisingly, unlike 2022, FB sent an e-mail explaining why.  I was kicked off because I had not followed FB’s “Community Standards on account integrity and authentic identity,” which is odd since, as in 2022, I used my real name and real phone number.  FB gave me an option to appeal and submit a clear face picture, which I immediately did – a real picture of my face, not one of Plato or Brad Pitt.  About a day later I checked on the result. Naturally, FB did not bother to state the verdict on my case but I was directed to a FB log-in page.  Every time I tried to do so I was blocked.  Why would FB give me the Log In page and then block me from logging in?  Is there any chance FB could develop some coherent policies someday?

And if “authentic identity” is so important to FB, why are there 3 different pages for actress Jennifer Lawrence, on one of which is a post, purporting to be from her mother, that none of the 3 are authentic?

Although I did nothing that violates FB’s “community standards” (which prohibits “hate speech”) because as a longtime philosophy/psychology professor, I specialize in rational argument.  There is nothing in my posts even remotely like the following recent posts that I cut and paste, word for word, from FB, and that sit on FB for ages without being censored:

First, there is comrade Jamie Raskin’s (D-Md) remarks dated 17 May

MAGA followers, including Speaker Johnson, make a pilgrimage to NYC to affirm their love for a false prophet who makes false profits, the cult leader and criminal defendant Donald Trump, an adjudicated rapist and fraudster. Exodus: “Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil.”

Soon after my published article that refutes Raskin’s false claim that Trump is “an adjudicated rapist” was posted on his FB page, it disappeared.  Does this mean Harvard J.D.’s can still read?

Here are some other FB posts by private individuals,

[F]or all the MAGA Trump Traitor supporting clowns who cry because I use profanity and call them names. … Donald Trump is a piece of shit rapist and domestic terrorist

Here’s another,

Trump cheated to win 2016. He was never supposed to be president. RNC was discussing replacing him in 2016 after the pussy grabbing tape. Now we have 234 judges that a serial criminal rapist appointed & he openly admits they owe him.

By the way, if one can read at the 7th grade level, one can verify here that Trump did not say he grabs women by the pussy.  He said “stars” do that, not that he does it.

And another,

Trump, is a convicted felon AND a rapist who stole the 2016 election, extorted Ukraine, incited an insurrection, disenfranchised Georgia voters, stole classified documents, & defrauded New Yorkers

Actually, Trump is not a convicted felon as my article demonstrates and there was no “insurrection.”  One has to know something about the law, not just watch CNN or MSNBC.

Here’s another,

STOP TELLING ME DONALD TRUMP ISN’T TRYING TO BE A DICTATOR. Anyone supporting this rapist and domestic terrorist should be watched. They are not safe to the public, especially children. We must ensure they lose this civil war, too.

Anybody notice any dictatorial tendencies here?  And is it still permissible to point out that Trump hasn’t been convicted of any of these charges brought by his political enemies? 

Here’s another,

The serial adulterer, pathological liar, narcissistic, charity robbing, wannabe dictator, racist, rapist, and convicted felon. Nah … It’s not a cult. Not at all.

A tad unhinged maybe?

And another,

Since it was a registered republikkkan that took the shots [at Trump], you need to stop saying assassination. This was friendly fire.

There is an entire FB page about Trump titled “Impeach Trump the Traitor”.  There is another FB page titled “I hate the traitor Donald Trump.” Apparently, even explicitly saying one hates Trump doesn’t count as hate speech for the FB censorship geniuses.

Vile leftist hate is all over FB but never seems to get censored.   Does FB even know what “hate” means?   It appears to me that FB thinks “hate speech” means “rational argument” and that “rational argument” means “hate speech”.  

Hopefully, FB can explain how my articles that invoke Plato, Shakespeare, Milton Friedman, Friedrick Hayek, Ludwig Wittgenstein, etc., are so much worse than the common FB haters quoted above.

            Facebook needs to stop interfering in elections.  They’re not qualified, morally or intellectually, to do so.  Censorship is always perpetrated by frightened people that know they cannot defend their views. 

The original offer is still open to Zuckerberg.  If he or one of his serfs will meet me in an open public forum and state what specificposted articles or words of mine FB used to justify cancelling my account, not just the vague “violated our Community Standards” dodge, I would be there and show the peasants what FB’s “Community Standards” really are. 

This is not about me.  Some of us are just not willing to play games with FB concerning their continuing anti-American election interference. 

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Richard McDonough

Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgenstein’s logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi.

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