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Democrats Have Nothing To Campaign For — They Just Run Against Trump


In light of a second assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump many think correctly that Democrats and some of their cheerleaders in the media need to change their tone and rhetoric — and make no mistake, they do.

The problem is they can’t. They have nothing else to run on.

Due to the Democrats’ disastrous policies these last four years, two-thirds of American voters think the country is headed in the wrong direction. Democrat policies caused prices to increase about 20% since the Biden-Harris administration took office. It was their energy policies that caused gas and utility bills to shoot up about 30%. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ decision to reverse Trump border policies in the first 100 days in office caused more than 12 million illegal immigrants to flood into our country.

Due to the weakness of Biden and the-last-person-in-the-room Harris, 13 American servicemen and women were killed in Afghanistan — which encouraged Russia to invade Ukraine. Lifting sanctions on Iran provided the money used by its terror proxies to attack Israel.

So, they can’t run on their record.  They also can’t run on their policies.

To date, Harris is mainly running on vibes and joy. She is running to turn the page and follow a new way forward while forgetting that she wrote the page she is trying to turn, and her new way forward is away from her policies of today.

Thus, Democrats and Harris are forced to run against something rather than for something. That something is Trump.

They lie to their supporters to run against Project 2025, despite Trump disavowing it multiple times.

They lie to run against Trump’s clearly stated opposition to a national abortion ban.

They lie to run against his strong support for IVF. They call him a threat to democracy, comparing him to Hitler and Mussolini, after spending years lying about Russia, Russia, Russia — so they can run against him.

It should be noted that 16 million Americans donned the uniform of the United States, and 400,000 died, to rid the world of Adolf Hitler and his Axis allies. I suspect many would have eagerly volunteered to sneak into Berlin and take the shot to take out Hitler years prior to the Allies liberation of Europe. What did Democrats and their liberal cheerleaders think would happen after years of making that grotesque comparison? A comparison, by the way, that has no place in American political discourse regardless of whether you agree with a candidate or not.

So, will Democrats change their tune? They should but they won’t. To use a poker reference, they have pushed their chips all in running against Trump and they have nothing else to run on. They are stuck with this mess they created.  They have been doing this for years even before Trump.

Recall when then-Vice President Joe Biden told a diverse audience that Mitt Romney would put black Americans “back in chains.”

Then President Barack Obama warned about people who “cling to guns or religion.”

Hillary Clinton called Trump supporters “deplorables.”

Two years ago, President Joe Biden addressed America from Independence Hall in Philadelphia, against an ominous red backdrop with military guards at his side, scaring people about “extreme MAGA.”

None of this rhetoric is promoting Democrat positions. It is a scare tactics against their opponents — not their policies, but as people.

Politicians of all stripes have long warned people about their opponents’ policies and positions. Republicans warn about Democrats who will raise your taxes. Democrats mistakenly try to scare seniors about Medicare and Social Security.

Sometimes it worked in the past, but it is not working any longer. Trump is seeing his support grow with black and Hispanic voters. The head of the UAW openly admits many in his union support Trump. A majority of Teamsters members support Trump.

Without a record and without policy, Democrats are left with nothing more than extreme and dangerous scare tactics.

Will they change? They should, but I doubt they will. They would have to campaign for something first.

Marc Lotter is former Director of Strategic Communications on the Trump 2020 Presidential campaign and served as Special Assistant to the President in the White House of President Donald J. Trump.

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